Clock Master Other

This page documents the configuration of the Clock Master for the other White Rabbit networks (not 'Production').


The Clock Master is the source of clock and time in the Timing System. The following components are involved:


Figure: Linking other White Rabbit networks (blue boxes) to the main 'Production' network (orange boxes). The '10MHz/PPS Generator' (WR-ZEN) is a White Rabbit node connected to the 'Production' network.


Cables and Connections

WR-ZEN Output WRS Input
A 10 MHz
Table: Connection from WR-ZEN to WRS (Clock Master).

WRS 'Clock Master' inputs are directly connected to WR-ZEN outputs. All copper cables are length matched (2m).

One WR-ZEN power supply is connected to standard mains, the other is connected to a UPS.

WR-ZEN Output Config

Output ValueSorted ascending
PPS Coarse Offset -104 ns
AD9516 Phase Alignment -8 ns
LMK Phase Alignment 0 ns
A FDelay 0 ps
B FDelay 0 ps
C FDelay 0 ps
D FDelay 0 ps
PPS Rate 1 PPS
C Term Adapt 1 MOhm
D Term Adapt 1 MOhm
A Mode 10M
B Mode 10M
PPS Width 20000000
-- --
-- --
-- --
AB xPPS Mode Disabled
C Mode PPS
D Mode PPS
Table: Configuration of WR-ZEN outputs (status 2019-10-29).

-- DietrichBeck - 29 Oct 2019
Topic revision: r3 - 2019-10-29, dbeck
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