AMC Testing and Commissioning Guide

Required components for each uTCA device

  • SFP (green/purple)
  • LC cable and a white rabbit switch (Recommended: RUNNING AT LEAST VERSION 4.1, if you can afford this)
  • Quartus (Version 16.0.0 Build 211 was used for this guide)
  • USB cable (micro 2.0)
  • Power supply (if you don't use a crate)
  • Xilinx programmer (Platform Cable USB II, DLC10)
  • Altera USD blaster + PROMO11 adapter
  • 5x LEMO cable(s)
  • N.A.T. NAMC EXT card (exposed backplane IOs)
  • A second Timing Receiver with 5 LVTTL IOs (AMC, Exploder5, ...)
  • MicroTCA crate ( ToDo: Add desired crate here )
  • Libera crate ( ToDo: Add desired crate here )
  • $dev is a placeholder for dev/ttyUSB[X] AND dev/wbm[X] - you have to test both interfaces!
  • $saftlib-dev is a placeholder for tr[X], baseboard[X], ...

Additional Resources


  1. Check out bel_projects
  2. $ git checkout
  3. $ cd bel_projects
  4. $ git checkout tag doomsday-4.0.4
  5. $ ./
  6. $ ./
  7. $ make
  8. (additional) $ make driver-install
  9. (additional) $ make etherbone-install
  10. (additional) $ make saftlib-install
  11. (additional) Use insmod to load the drivers oder restart

Important Steps

Programming the CPLD

  1. Turn on power
  2. Use Cosylab's boxed header to micro USB adapter and connect via JTAG (xilinx programmer)
  3. Run ISE
  4. Load project bel_projects/syn/gsi_microtca/cpld/microtca_prog.xise
  5. Process Menu => Implement Top Module
  6. Tools Menu => Impact
  7. Double-click Boundary Scan
  8. Control-I => microtca_prog.jed
  9. Operations Menu => Program
  10. Turn power off


Programming the FPGA

  1. Turn power on
  2. Connect JTAG via PROMO11 adapter
  3. Open Quartus and program the FPGA (or use the command line: quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;microtca.sof')
  4. (optional) Write this bit-stream into the SPI flash: eb-flash $dev microtca.rpd (in case USB and flash chip are already programmed)


Programming the USB Chip

  1. Run 'make' in bel_projects/ip_cores/etherbone-core/hdl/eb_usb_core
  2. Make sure, that no other timing receiver is attached by USB
  3. Erase the USB controller (as root): ./ -E
  4. Program the USB controller (as root): ./
  5. Turn power off and on

Configuring (and programming) the SPI Flash Chip

  1. Program the FPGA again: quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;microtca.sof'
  2. Configure the SPI flash chip: eb-config-nv $dev 10 4
  3. [at room temperature] Write the bit-stream into the SPI flash: eb-flash $dev microtca.rpd (in case FPGA is not persistently programmed
  4. Turn power off and on
  5. [at high temperature > crate without cooling] Write the bit-stream into the SPI flash again: eb-flash $dev microtca.rpd
  6. Repeat 5. three times

Formatting the WR EEPROM (MAC address is stored here)

  1. Go to bel_projects/ip_cores/wrpc-sw/tools
  2. Run "make"
  3. ./eb-w1-write $dev 0 320 < sdb-wrpc.bin

Check White Rabbit

  1. eb-console $dev
  2. Type in "gui", white rabbit status should be: locked and calibrated
  3. Remove and apply the fiber cable five times and make sure WR locks again
  4. Press ESC to quit
  5. Power cycle the device and repeat step #3 -> Watch the WR LEDs (the receiver should synchronize again)
Synchronization status should be:
+ Servo state: TRACK_PHASE
+ Phase tracking: ON
You should also see 4 leds at the front panel:
+ red = traffic/no-link
+ blue = link
+ green = timing valid
+ white = PPS
  1. Remove fiber cable
  2. Type in "mode master", node should be able to lock the PLL and become a master
    Quit console
  3. (optional) Test status via Saftlib $ saft-ctl $saftlib-dev -s
Output should look like this:
WR locked, time: 0x152c4f5bbfcf5528
receiver free conditions: 256, max (capacity of HW): 0(256), early threshold: 4294967296 ns, latency: 4096 ns

Check External Reference Clock

  • Provide a 10MHz clock (i.e. from a White Rabbit switch)
  • Drive IO_CLKIN_EN to High $ saft-io-ctl $saftlib-dev -n IO_CLKIN_EN -d 1 (Note: In the foreseeable future it will work like this: $ saft-io-ctl $saftlib-dev -n IO5 -q 1)
  • Open the White Rabbit console again and type in: mode master
  • Check if WR is really locked (LED, eb-console -> GUI, generate clocks, ...)
  • Additionally check if the system works with a 20MHz input clock too
  • (optional) Turn off master mode (mode slave)
  • (optional) Generate a clock on this and on another receiver and compare them

Check EEPROM and set MAC

  1. Run eb-console $dev
  2. (optional) Set MAC address for the device #xy: <<mac setp aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff, Control-C
  3. Check given MAC address
  4. Turn power off and on
  5. Run eb-console $dev
  6. Type in "mac", you should see the previously entered MAC address
  7. If you don't have a DHCP server, you can set an ip address by "ip set"

Check IOs

Front Panel IOs

  1. Get a second uTCA timing receiver (or a receiver with at least 5 LVTTL IOs)
  2. Connect IO1 (device #1) to IO1 (device #2) and so on... [IO1,IO2,IO3,IO4,IO5]
  3. Device #1: Turn output enable for the IOs on $ saft-io-ctl $saftlib-dev -n IO{1,2,3,4,5} -o 1
  4. Device #1: Start a clock on each IO $ saft-clk-gen $saftlib-dev -n IO{1,2,3,4,5} -f 10000000 0 (will generate a 10 MHz clock)
  5. Device #2: Snoop inputs $ saft-io-ctl $saftlib-dev -s
  6. Measure jitter and signal quality with a scope (FTRN specification should be matched)
Slew Rate
  1. Measure the slew rate with a scope (for EVERY IO), should be equal to Exploder5
IO Load Test
  1. Drive every IO with termination
  2. $ saft-io-ctl $saftlib-dev -n IO{1,2,3,4,5,...} -o 1 -t 0/1 -d 1
  3. Measure levels/voltage with a scope
Termination Test
  1. Drive every IO with and without termination
  2. Make sure that the switchable termination works
IO Bandwidth
  1. Generate a 200MHz clock (saft-clk-gen) and measure the clock with a scope
  2. Generate a 125MHz clock (with an additional receiver or reference device) and measure it with the ECA (saft-io-ctl snoop mode)
Output Enable Test
  1. Drive every IO with and without output enable
  2. Make sure you don't see a level change when output enable is turned off
  3. Check the LEDs, they should indicate every activity and the output enable status

uTCA 4 Clocks A B C D

  • Use the modified debug card (N.A.T. GmbH NAMC-EXT V1.5), which connects/loops the lines
  • Turn on a clock and check it (siehe "Front Panel IOs")
  • Measure jitter and signal quality with a scope (FTRN specification should be matched)

uTCA 4 PORT 17-20 Triggers

  • Use the modified debug card (N.A.T. GmbH NAMC-EXT V1.5), which connects/loops the lines
  • Turn on a clock and check it (siehe "Front Panel IOs")
  • Measure jitter and signal quality with a scope (FTRN specification should be matched)

Libera Triggers

  • Use the modified debug card (N.A.T. GmbH NAMC-EXT V1.5), which connects/loops the lines
  • Turn on a clock and check it (siehe "Front Panel IOs")
  • Measure jitter and quality with a scope


Check PCIe

  1. Try the following tools:
    • eb-console $dev
    • eb-info $dev
    • eb-ls $dev
  2. Write to internal shared ram and read it back:

    • Get the LM32 shared ram address by eb-ls $dev
    • Example output: 3.2 0000000000000651:81111444 84000 LM32-RAM-Shared
    • Create a dummy file (which will be written into the ram): dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo bs=4k count=1;
    • Write dummy file to the lm32 shared ram: eb-put $dev 0x84000 foo
    • Get the data from the shared ram: eb-get $dev 0x84000/4096 bar
    • Compare both files: cmp foo bar
    • Both files should contain the same data
    • Repeat this test in a loop... (recommended: 10 minutes)

Check PCIe interrupts

  1. Create your own schedule (or use the attached one -> schedule.txt)
  2. Start snooping for events: $ saft-ctl $saftlib-dev snoop 0 0 0 -x
  3. Inject events: $ saft-dm $saftlib-dev -fp -n 1 schedule.txt
  4. Verify that you got all events

Check LEDs

  1. $ saft-pps-gen $saftlib-dev -s
  2. Leave the application running and check all LEDs

Check Buttons and Hex Switches

  1. $ saft-io-ctl $saftlib-dev -s
  2. Start rotating switches (HSF1) => Check output of saft-io-ctl
  3. Start pushing buttons (PBF1) => Check output of saft-io-ctl
IO . Edge . Flags .... ID ...................... Timestamp ........... Formatted Date
PBF Rising .... (0x0) 0xfffe000000000015 0x1532cdaf1fb0beb7 2018-05-28 12:09:35.666667191
PBF Rising .... (0x0) 0xfffe000000000017 0x1532cdaf24a84fe8 2018-05-28 12:09:35.750000616

Check Display

  1. cd bel_projects/tools/display
  2. make
  3. ./simple-display dev/ttyUSBx -s "Hello World!" -d 2

Check debug port HPLA

  1. To be defined

Check OneWire Devices

  1. Go to: tools/commissioning/onewire-scanner
  2. make
  3. run application: ./onewire-scanner dev/ttyUSB0

Output should look like this (OWID should be slightly different):

Scanning for OneWire controller(s) on $dev now...

ID Wishbone Address OWID Serial Code Type
00 0x0000000000060600 -- --- ---
-- --- 00 0x32000009195de328 DS18B20 - Digital Thermometer
-- --- 01 0x89000000ba822c43 DS28EC20 - 20Kb EEPROM

Found 1 OneWire controller(s) on $dev.
Found 2 OneWire device(s)/slave(s) on $dev.

Check OneWire Devices (eb-mon)

  1. Check device with eb-mon
root@MTCA-6P-PH4d:~# eb-mon dev/wbm0 -w0 -b0 -f0x28
root@MTCA-6P-PH4d:~# eb-mon dev/wbm0 -w0 -t0 -f0x28

AMC/uTCA Stuff

Program MMC flash

  1. Clone the firmware repository: $ git clone
  2. Read anf follow file
  3. Optional: LPC2136_FreeRTOS_CoreIPM.bin


  1. minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0
  2. Press "i"

Check MCH and FTRN FRU info and sensors

  1. Connect to the MCH (USB: minicom -b 19200 -D /dev/ttyACM0)

Check PCIe Devices

  1. Run $ show_fru
Device information:
FRU Device State Name
3 mcmc1 M4 NAT-MCH-MCMC
5 AMC1 M4 CCT AM 902/411
8 AMC4 M4 CSL-MMC-WR <= ! Get number here [Dec. 2019] Name is now "FTRN"
40 CU1 M4 Schroff uTCA CU
50 PM1 M4 NAT-PM-AC600D
60 Clock1 M4 MCH-Clock
61 HubMod1 M4 MCH-PCIe

Check FRU Information

  1. Check FRU information: $ show_fruinfo 8
FRU Info for device 8:
Common Header : 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x07 0x0e 0x00 0xe9
Internal Use Area : -
Chassis Info Area : -
Board Info Area : at offs=8, len=48
Manufacturer(07) : Cosylab
Board Name(08) : FTRN_AMC
Serial Number(09) : 000000001
Part Number(04) : FTRN
FRU file ID(07) : FTRNFRU
Product Info Area : at offs=56, len=56
Manufacturer(07) : Cosylab
Product Name(08) : FTRN AMC
Product Number(05) : 00001
Part Version(02) : v3
Product Serial Number(06): 000001
Asset Tag(00) : -
FRU file ID(07) : FTRNFRU
Customer Info-0 (53) : git▒▒▒{▒Z1▒▒▒!▒▒rPxZ1▒uDZ1
Customer Info-1 (00) : -
Customer Info-2 (00) : -
Customer Info-3 (00) : -
Customer Info-4 (00) : -
Multi Record Area : at offs=112

Record(0): Type ID=0xc0, PICMG Record ID=0x19, offset=0x000, len=21
AMC Point-to-Point record:
AMC Slot 4, OEM GUID Count = 0
Record Type = AMC, len=21
Channel Descriptor count = 1
Channel(0): Port[4 - - -]
Link Descriptors: size=5
Link 0 of Channel 0: lanes[0..3]=[1000], PCIe, Gen 1, no SSC, Grp=0x0, Match=0x1

Record(1): Type ID=0xc0, PICMG Record ID=0x16, offset=0x015, len=11
Module Current Requirements Record:
Current Draw: 1.5 A

Record(2): Type ID=0xc0, PICMG Record ID=0x00, offset=0x020, len=10
Header=buf 0x41b30a68 len 5
c0 82 05 75 44
Data =buf 0x41b30a6d len 5
5a 31 00 00 00

Check Sensors

  1. Check sensors: $ show_sensorinfo 8
Sensor Information for FRU 8 / AMC4
# SDRType Sensor Entity Inst Value State Name
0 MDevLoc 0xc1 0x64 CSL-MMC-WR
1 Full 0xf2 0xc1 0x64 0x01 Hot Swap
2 Full Voltage 0xc1 0x64 12.155 V ok +12V Payload
3 Full Voltage 0xc1 0x64 3.344 V ok +3.3V Mng
4 Full Temp 0xc1 0x64 43.86 C ok Temp Inlet
5 Full Temp 0xc1 0x64 43.43 C ok Temp Outlet
6 Full 0xc0 0xc1 0x64 0x01 V 0x00 FPGA CONFIG
7 Full 0xc0 0xc1 0x64 0x01 V 0x00 CONF DONE
8 Full 0xc0 0xc1 0x64 0x00 V 0x00 LIBERA TRIGGER
9 Full 0xc0 0xc1 0x64 0x00 V 0x00 MTCA4 TRIGGER
10 Full 0xc0 0xc1 0x64 0x00 V 0x00 JTAGSW POS
11 Compact 0xf0 0xc1 0x64 0x10 HS 008 AMC4

Check PCIe Speed

  1. Run: $ show_link_state
  2. Look for this Output: AMC 4 Port 4 is PCIe - x1 - 2,5 GT/s
  3. Verify it comes from ID 8: $ show_link_state 8 4 => AMC 4 Port 4 is PCIe - x1 - 2,5 GT/s

Stop and Start Unit

  1. $ shutdown 8
  2. $ fru_start 8


  1. Check FRU and sensors via IPMI tools

Ideas for FAT

General Ideas

  • Generate a different frequency (saft-clk-gen) on every IO and make sure WR still works
  • Check for crosstalk, mix inputs and outputs
  • PCB delay measurement (compare to exploder5)
  • Check 5V input on front panel IOs


  • Check iTech "Low-Jitter-Clock", 1ps jitter should be achieved
  • 24h PCIe write and read test
  • Multiple modules (TR) at the same time in a crate

How-Swap (Propoal DB, to be reviewed by AH and DS)

  • uTCA
    1. operate AMC FTRN in a uTCA crate; use power supply from 'White List'
    2. pull handle at FTRN
    3. check FTRN can be removed (FPGA no longer powered)
    4. remove FTRN
    5. insert another FTRN
    6. check FTRN is again fully powered
    7. (restart PCIe driver)
    8. check FTRN is reachable via 'eb-ls'
  • Libera
    1. operate AMC FTRN in a Libera crate
    2. pull handle at FTRN and make sure nothing happens:
    3. check FTRN remains powered
    4. check FTRN remains reachable via 'eb-ls'
    5. release or push-back handel at FTRN
    6. check FTRN remains powered
    7. check FTRN remains reachable via 'eb-ls'
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
LPC2136_FreeRTOS_CoreIPM.binbin LPC2136_FreeRTOS_CoreIPM.bin manage 110 K 2019-12-12 - 13:33 UnknownUser  
altera_prog_utca.jpgjpg altera_prog_utca.jpg manage 123 K 2018-05-08 - 15:55 UnknownUser  
front_io_test.jpgjpg front_io_test.jpg manage 166 K 2018-05-08 - 15:58 UnknownUser  
nat-ext-amc.pngpng nat-ext-amc.png manage 70 K 2019-12-05 - 15:47 UnknownUser  
schedule.txttxt schedule.txt manage 960 bytes 2018-05-28 - 15:37 UnknownUser  
xiling_prog_utca.jpgjpg xiling_prog_utca.jpg manage 364 K 2018-05-04 - 10:37 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r27 - 2019-12-12, ahahn
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