You are here: GSI Wiki>TOS/Timing Web>GSI Timing Team>GSITimingTeam (2009-03-05, TiborFleck)Edit Attach

FAIR Timing/GSI Timing Team

Core members of the GSI Timing Team are:





Further leading actors within the GSI controls group are U.Krause, M.Thieme, R.Bär, M.Zweig and P.Kainberger.

The GSI timing team works in close collaboration with other GSI groups, namely the beam dignostics group (T.Hoffmann, G.Schepers and M.Schwickert) and the rf group (P.Moritz and H.Klingbeil).

Close collaboration has also been established with members of the so-called 'Timing Hardware Project', especially with people from CERN that set up the whole project.

-- CesarPrados - 03 Mar 2009
Topic revision: r3 - 2009-03-05, TiborFleck
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