User Interfaces

Table of Contents


This page just describes the user interfaces.

All command line interfaces (CLI) just require a keyboard. Navigation is done by simple keys, < cursor > keys + < Return > key or < page up/down > keys.

User and Betrieb

B2B Monitor

  • Launcher -> Verschiedenes -> B2B Monitor
  • ... and resize terminal window to 150x24

This user interface displays a variety of things but does not have a menu structure. It can be controlled by pressing keys on the keyboard:
  • d: toggles the displayed data (kicker or ring-hf); default: kicker
  • u: toggles the displayed units (nanoseconds or degree); default: degree
  • i: toggles display (show/hide) of inactive patterns/transfers; default: active patterns for all rings
    • 0: toggles display (show/hide) of transfer with SIS18 as origin
    • 1: toggles display (show/hide) of transfer with ESR as origin
    • 2: toggles display (show/hide) of transfer with CRYRING as origin
  • d: toogle data display: 'kicker values' or 'DDS values'
  • h: prints help
  • q: exits the CLI

Figure: B2B Monitor. The header line just displays the version of the CLI. The bottom line displays the key shortcuts and current local time. Information about ongoing transfers is listed in a table; each line shows a complete transfer from origin to destination. See text for details.

In the example shown above, three patterns are active.
  • 'SIS18_FAST_HHD_MD_sc...' is a fast extraction from SIS18 to HHD
  • 'SIS18_FAST_Au_ESR' is a fast extraction from SIS18 into ESR as coasting beam
  • 'ESR_CRYRING_COOLER_R...' is a fast extraction from ESR into CRYRING as coasting beam

The columns are explained in the following table. In case of errors, please check the B2B System Status too (click).
Column What Remark
pattern name name of pattern  
t_last [UTC] time of last extraction no updates although pattern is active? Check B2B System Status (start via Launcher)
origin machine extracting the beam the following columns contain data of the extracting machine
sid Sequence ID of the fast extraction process  
kick(er) set (*) set-value of trigger deadline relative to rising edge of h=1 group DDS signal  
... trg measured value of trigger deadline relative to rising edge of h=1 group DDS signal The measured should not deviate by more than 1 ns from the set-value; a systematic deviation points to either wrong frequency value of h=1 group DDS or BuTiS/White Rabbit are not synchronized; frequent jumps of the deviation indicate a problem with the group DDS
... offs(e)t measured value of the ParamModi parameter 'Kicker Offset' at the kicker electronics in case of ERROR no signal was detected at the output of the kicker electronics; typical reasons are a) malfunction of kicker control electronics (check with 'DeviceControl) b) with mode 'bunch to bucket' the beating period might be to long (> 16 ms) c) wrong set-values of kicker or the b2b system: try a 'Vollversorgung' via ParamModi
... start measured offset of the rising edge of the kicker magnet probe signal in case of UNKWN , the reason could be a) kicker has not fired (check with digitizer) or b) an issue with the detection at the b2b system
... fltop measured length of kicker magnet probe signal (= length of flattop) in case of UNKWN , the reason could be a) kicker has not fired (check with digitizer) or b) an issue with the detection at the b2b system [1]
dest(inatio)n destination of the extracted beam the following columns contain data of the injection machine
sid Sequence ID of the injection process  
phase set (*) set-value of phase difference between extraction and injection ring only for mode bunch-2-bucket (not for coasting beam)
... get measured phase difference of the two h=1 group DDSs for the case of true bunch-2-bucket in case of coastg the beam is injected as coasting beam
kick(er) set, trg, start, fltop see extraction machine (above)  
... dOffs(e)t measured time difference of the signals at the output the kicker electronics at extraction and injection machine  
... ToF measured time difference of the signals of the kicker magnet probes (rising edge) at extraction and injection (falling edge) this should be correlated to the time-of-flight between kickers
h1gDDS [Hz] frequency of h=1 group DDS on flat-top in case of ERROR , the b2b system detects no signal from the group DDS; try 'Vollversorgung' via ParamModi; possible failure of data supply of the DDS; maybe a hardware error?
... ext/inj indicates data of extraction or injection ring
... set set value; this is the set value of the DDS, which might differ slightly from the LSA value (32bit resolution of DDS)
... get measured value and its estimated uncertainty
... diff deviation between measured- and set-value
... v/c beam velocity in units of speed-of-light
prob a comparator is used to detect the rising edge of the of the kicker magnet probe signal; here, the trigger level is shown (experimental feature)
... ext/inj indicates data of extraction or injection ring
Table: Parameters shown by the B2B Monitor . Set values marked by '*' are informative only and have a reduced precision of about one per mille.

[1] Please note: Due to the extremely poor probe signal at CRYRING, the flat-top length of the CRYRING kicker signal is most likely not correct.

B2B System Status

  • Launcher -> Verschiedenes -> B2B System Status
  • a standard 80x24 terminal window is fine

This user interface displays a variety of things but does not have a menu structure. It can be controlled by pressing keys on the keyboard:
  • s: display status text
  • < digit 0..9, a..f >: clears diagnostic information of the corresponding system
  • h: prints help
  • q: exits the CLI

Figure: Overall system status. The header line just displays the version of the CLI. The bottom line displays the key shortcuts and current local time. The status of the B2B components is listed in a table. Shown are system number (column 1), ring machine (column 2), system name (column 3), version (column 4), main state (column 5), number of transfers the system has been involved (column 6), status (column 7) and host system (column 8). See text for details.

The figure above shows the overall sytem status of the B2B system. The system shown are the embedded realtime components CBU (Central B2B Unit), PM (Phase Measurement) and KD.. (Kicker and Diagnostics). Non-realtime systems DAQ (Acquisition of set- and get-values) and CAL (data analysis) are shown too.

If everything is ok, all systems shall have a value '1' in the column 'status'. However, reality is different as shown in the typical situation in the above below, where the lm32 firmware SIS18 and ESR kickers yields an error. This is due to the fact, that in rare cases the kickers are not fired (for whatever reason).

Figure: B2B System Status. Pressing key 's' display more detailed status information.

Pressing key 's' will print detailed status information. Important: If an (error) status is detected, it will be remembered until the diagnostic information is cleared by pressing '< digit 0..9, a..f >'. Thus, this is only a summary of all errors of all patterns that have happend in the past and is it not possible to see which pattern is causing trouble.


List of common errors (click).


Viewer CLI

The CLI displays a variety of things but does not have a menu structure. The viewer can be controlled by pressing keys on the keyboard:
  • b : toggles display of parameters for *b*unch-to-bucket transfer (if applicable)
  • d : toggles display of Group DDS phase *d*iagnostic
  • r : toggles display of *r*f diagnostic
  • k : toggles display of *k*icker diagnostic
  • s : toggles display of *s*tatus of the B2B system; this is mainly interesting for experts
  • q : quits the viewer
  • c : clears all recorded data; this is useful
    • when settings have changed
    • to 'reset' statistical data after a serious of erroneous measurements
    • Important: This is not a local operation but sends a command to the analysis process for the transfers of this extraction machine and SID.

Most of the displayed values give statistical information:
  • act : actual value of the latest transfer
  • ave : average values of all transfers of all recorded data
  • sdev: standard deviation of all transfers
  • minmax: minimum and maximum values observed for all transfers
Please note, that all data are multiplexed. Thus, data for distinct patterns are independent of each other.

Figure: Viewer shows set-values. The head line displays the ring machine where the transfer starts (here: sis18), Sequence ID (SID) of the extraction process, B2B mode and UTC time of the latest EVT_KICK_START. The bottom line displays a quick help for using the viewer as well as current local date and time. Details see text.

The figure above shows the set-values that are displayed when starting the viewer.
  • The 1st line set values just displays the version number of the viewer.
  • The 2nd line ext: displays the correction value [ns] of the extraction kicker, frequency of h=1 Group DDS for the extraction (here: SIS18), Group DDS period (= revolution time of beam in the ring) [ns] and the harmonic number (not relevant for mode 'B2C'). Please note that the true values of the Group DDS differ from the LSA values [1].
  • The 3rd line inj: displays the correction value [ns] of injection kicker (frequency and period of the Group DDS of the injection machine (here: ESR) and the harmonic number are not relevant for for this mode.

[1] This is due to the DDS principle. Presently, the DDS systems use an input clock of 200 MHz and 32bit resolution. Thus, the 'step size' of the Group DDS is about 46 mHz.

Figure: Viewer shows diagnostic values for extraction. Details see text.

When pressing the key 'd' on the keyboard, the viewer toggles display of diagnostic values for extraction and injection (only for real 'bunch to bucket'). This is the most important diagnostic information as it shows how well actual the actual phase of the the h=1 Group DDS matches the predicted value at the moment of transfer. In the ideal world, extraction and injection yield the value '0' (= perfect match, no deviation) and the value for 'bunch to bucket' yields the value set by the operators.
  • 1st line diag : number of measurements for 'bunch to bucket', extraction ring and injection ring; in mode 'bunch to coasting beam', there is no value for injection, as the phase of the h=1 Group DDS of the injection ring is not relevant in this mode
  • 2nd line ext: : measured value for the h=1 Group DDS of the extraction ring (value 'ext_ddsOff')
  • 3rd line inj: : measured value for the h=1 Group DDS of the extraction ring (only relevant for mode 'bunch to bucket', value 'inj_ddsOff')
  • 4th line b2b: : measured phase difference between the two Group DDSs (phase injection - phase extraction, value 'phaseOff').
The in the figure above shows accumulated data of 1312 transfers from SIS18 to ESR. The data are typical for smooth operation. This can be seen from the values of the standard deviation (less than 1 ns) and minimum and maximum values for all the measurements: All measurements are in window with a width of 2ns only (from -1 to +1 ns).

Figure: Diagnostic values for kickers. Here, the kickers are not triggered by the B2B system but by the so-called 'Timing Generator'. Details see text.

Pressing key 'k' displays diagnostics for the kickers. The figure above shows the typical situation when the B2B is not operative and the kickers are triggered by the Timing Generator of SIS18. A measurement is done when two conditions are fulfilled: First the B2B system sends a timing message for a kicker trigger. Second, the B2B system detects a TTL signal at the output of the kicker electronics in the kicker room.
  • 1st line kicker: number of measurements for extraction (here: SIS18) and injection (here: ESR) kicker. The numbers are different, as the ESR injection kicker does not always fire.
  • 2nd line ext: monitor: delay of monitor (electronics out) and probe (kicker magnet) relative the kicker trigger of the B2B system. Note: When the B2B system is used, positive values of a few microseconds are shown (values 'ext_dKickMon' 'ext_dKickProb').
  • 3rd line mon h=1: delay of the kicker electronics output with respect to the preceding rising edge of the h=1 Group DDS of the extraction ring. If the extraction is locked to the Group DDS, a narrow distribution around a fixed mean value is expected values ('ext_monRem...').
  • 4th line inj: monitor: same as the 2nd line but with an additional value; 'diff mon.' shows the difference of the monitor signals of extraction and injection kicker. Here, the signal of the injection (ESR) is 2.48 us later than the one of the extraction (SIS18) (values 'inj_dKickMon' 'inj_dKickProb' 'inj_dKickMon - ext_dKickMon').
  • 5th line mon h=1: same as 3rd line. Please note: Also these values are measured with respect of the h=1 Group DDS of the extraction ring (values 'inj_monRem...').

Figure: 'Set-values' for mode 'Bunch 2 Bucket'. Details see text.

Pressing key 'b' displays values for mode 'Bunch to Bucket' (if applicable). There is no measurement but the values are directly derived from the set-values.
  • 1st line phase corr: set-value for relative phase between the two h=1 Group DDS of the two rings; the value is given in nanoseconds and degree (relative to h=1 of extraction).
  • 2nd line ext: rf-cavity frequency and period of extraction ring at flat top
  • 3rd line inj: rf-cavity frequency and period of injection ring at injection
  • 4th line diff: differenc of the two cavity frequencies in degree (per rf-cycle) and nanoseconds
  • 5th line beating: beating frequency and period
  • 6th line ext: number of rf-cycles within one beating period at extraction
  • 7th line inj: number of rf-cycles within one beating period at injection

Figure: Diagnostic values for the RF h=1 Group DDS. Details see text.

Upon pressing key 'r', diagnostic values for the h=1 Group DDS are displayed. Theses values stem from an additional phase measurement that is done approximately 20 ms after EVT_KICK_START, where the measured phase is compared to the expected value.
  • 1st line rf: number of measurements done for extraction and injection. A measurement for injection is only done in mode 'bunch to bucket'.
  • 2nd line ext raw: raw values for the h=1 Group DDS of the extraction ring; offset between expected and actual value; in the ideal case, no deviation is observed (values 'ext_rfOff...')
  • 3rd line inj (raw): same as the 2nd line but for the h=1 Group DDS of the injection ring (values 'inj_rfOff...')
  • 4th line ext ave: measured frequency (mean value and standard deviation) of the Group DDS of the extraction ring based on the raw value. The difference to the set-value is given too (values 'ext_rfNue...').
  • 5th line estimate: best estimate on the actual 'true' DDS value. In the ideal case, this value matches the set-value exactly. A difference of +/- 46mHz might still be ok. If the difference is higher, is wrong:
    • missing data supply of h=1 Group DDS
    • mismatch in set-values between ParamModi and B2B
    • BuTiS and White Rabbit not locked to each other
  • lines 6+7: same as lines 4+5 but for injection, (values 'inj_rfOff...' 'inj_rfNue...')

Figure: Expert status information for the B2B system. See text for details.

Pressing key 's' yields that status display of the B2B system. This information is mainly interesting for experts to diagnose potential problems in the system itself.
  • 1st line status: number of measurements for extraction, injection and mode 'bunch to bucket'
  • 2nd line events: abbreviation event names for timing messages used by the B2B system, see here
  • 3rd line required: an 'X' marks the message types required for the actual operation mode of the B2B system (here: bunch to coasting beam)
  • 4th line received: an 'X' marks the messages that have actually been received. This shall match the previous line (values 'flagEvtRec').
  • 5th line late: an 'X' marks messages that are received 'late'. This would indicate a malfunction and shall not happen (values 'flagEvtLate').
  • 6th line error: an 'X' marks messages where went wrong (values 'flagEvtErr').
    • missing message
    • late message
    • an error flag has been raised by the sender of the message
    • data in the message are out of range
  • lines 7..12: statistical information on processing and message flight times (values 'doneOff'..'ktiOff'), see here.
    • values shall have a defined distribution around a constant average
    • KTE-EKS and KTI-EKS shall have box-shaped distributions within the following windows
      • modes 'bunch to extraction' and 'bunch to coasting beam': 1000..1000 + RF period us (here: RF period has a set-value of 2.11 ns)
      • mode 'bunch to bucket': 1000..1000 + beating period us (usually a few milliseconds)

Bonus: Kicker Failures

If one is interested in statics on kicker operations, one can check the Viewer CLI as shown below.

Figure: Pressing keys 'd' and 'k' displays diagnostics on phase match and kickers. Please note the difference in numbers of execution.

As displayed in the figure above, it is interesting to compare the numbers of execution.
  • diag:
    • 1681 transfers
  • kicker:
    • 1676 detected kicks at SIS18 extraction
    • 1641 detected kicks at ESR injection
This means that out of 1681 transfers fromt SIS18 to ESR, 5 + 40 transfers have been lost, which is about 2.5% of the beam. Please note, that these numbers are determined with the operation using the Timing Generators and not the B2B system. One can speculate, why there seems to be a beam loss of about 2.5%:
  • false measurement by the B2B system
  • Timing Generator does not trigger or problem with signal transmission from 'Elektronikraum BG 2 009' to kicker rooms
  • failure of kicker electronics in kicker rooms

Control CLI

This is an expert tool for development purposes in case the LSA and FESA are not present. The settings of the CLI are stored pesistently on disk.

Figure: Welcome screen.

The figure above shows the welcome screen of the control CLI.
  • choose SIS18
    • to configure fast extractions from SIS18
    • to configure transfer from SIS18 to ESR
  • choose ESR
    • to configure fast extraction from ESR
    • (to configure transfer from ESR to CRYRING)
  • choose Exit to quit

Figure: Main screen for SIS18.

The figure above shows the main screen to configure the SIS18 CBU. Choose 'Configure' or 'Return'.

Figure: SIS18: Select Sequence ID that should be configured.

The figure above shows the dialog to select the Sequence ID for configuration.
  • 'SID 2' has been selected by using the < cursor > keys. Pressing the < Return > key will open the dialog for configuration.
  • choose 'Submit Sll' to supply all Sequence IDs 0..15 (similar to 'Vollversorgung' with ParamModi)
  • choose 'Set All to Defaults' will set the settings for SID 0..15 to default values (= trigger kicker upon EVT_KICK_START).

Figure: SIS18: Configuration dialog for a given SID.

The figure above shows the configuration dialog for a given Sequence ID. Here, a transfer from SIS18 to ESR is configured in mode 'bunch to coasting beam'. In this mode, the settings for harmonic number and ESR injection frequency are just dummies.

  • Comment: Just a comment of your choice. It is recommended to keep the SID as part of the comment.
  • Set-Values: Please have a look at the meaning of set-values.
  • Poti: Can be selected for easy on-line trimming of values.
  • Submit: Submits the set-values to the CBU.
  • Set to Defaults: Sets all values to defaults.

Figure: SIS18: Trimming of extraction kicker timing via < page up/down > keys. Here, the value for incrementing or decrementing is set to 10 ns.

-- DietrichBeck - 24 October 2023
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
b2b-diag-sis18-b2b.pngpng b2b-diag-sis18-b2b.png manage 64 K 2021-03-19 - 08:49 UnknownUser b2b-diag sis18 b2b values
b2b-diag-sis18-diag.pngpng b2b-diag-sis18-diag.png manage 56 K 2021-03-11 - 08:17 UnknownUser b2b-diag sis18 diag values
b2b-diag-sis18-kicker.pngpng b2b-diag-sis18-kicker.png manage 68 K 2021-03-11 - 09:38 UnknownUser b2b-diag sis18 kicker values
b2b-diag-sis18-rf.pngpng b2b-diag-sis18-rf.png manage 64 K 2021-03-11 - 10:08 UnknownUser b2b-diag sis18 rf values
b2b-diag-sis18-set.pngpng b2b-diag-sis18-set.png manage 46 K 2021-03-11 - 08:02 UnknownUser b2b-diag sis18 set value
b2b-diag-sis18-status.pngpng b2b-diag-sis18-status.png manage 84 K 2021-03-11 - 11:04 UnknownUser b2b-diag sis18 status
b2b-system-status-error.pngpng b2b-system-status-error.png manage 121 K 2021-03-11 - 11:44 UnknownUser b2b-system-status with error display
b2b-system-status.pngpng b2b-system-status.png manage 97 K 2021-03-11 - 11:26 UnknownUser b2b-system-status
b2b-ui-sis18-config.pngpng b2b-ui-sis18-config.png manage 55 K 2021-03-10 - 16:42 UnknownUser b2b-ui sis18 config
b2b-ui-sis18-kicker-failures.pngpng b2b-ui-sis18-kicker-failures.png manage 77 K 2021-03-11 - 11:50 UnknownUser b2b-diag sis18 kicker failures
b2b-ui-sis18-main.pngpng b2b-ui-sis18-main.png manage 31 K 2021-03-10 - 16:31 UnknownUser b2b-ui sis18 main
b2b-ui-sis18-poti.pngpng b2b-ui-sis18-poti.png manage 38 K 2021-03-10 - 16:56 UnknownUser b2b-ui sis18 poti
b2b-ui-sis18-sid.pngpng b2b-ui-sis18-sid.png manage 35 K 2021-03-10 - 16:39 UnknownUser b2b-ui sis18 select sid
b2b-ui-welcome.pngpng b2b-ui-welcome.png manage 32 K 2021-03-10 - 16:18 UnknownUser b2b-ui welcome
b2b_transfer_monitor.pngpng b2b_transfer_monitor.png manage 44 K 2024-03-12 - 14:44 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r24 - 2024-03-12, dbeck
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