Get-Values and Analyzed-Values

Table of Contents


As with set-values, there are multiple sets of get-values. In addition, there are results of the analysis called 'analyzed-values'.

Distribution of Values

Get-values are distributed by the Phase Measurement (PM) as well as Kicker and Diagnostic (KD) units as timing messages that are broadcast to the White Rabbit network. Some of the messages are dedicated for data transfer but some of the values are actually extracted from the message itself (like the message deadline).

The get-values can be received by any timing receiver connected to the timing network. For the B2B system, a dedicated frontend computer listens to the message on the White Rabbit network and acts as a server for further distribution via the ACC network.

After set- and get-values have been analyzed, the analysis results are published by another server via the ACC network.

Have a look at this page for further details.

Value Types

There are a couple of measurement types that are typical for the B2B system.

Figure: A value can be a timestamp (TS). Timestamps are given in as White Rabbit TAI [ns].

Figure: A value can be a difference of two timestamps (Diff) . Differences are given in units of TAI [ns].

Figure: A value can be an offset to an rf-signal (RFO). Relevant is a specific positive zero-crossing of the rf-signal. The unit of such offsets is TAI [ns].


Figure: A value can be an delay to the next preceding rf-signal (RFP). Relevant is a positive zero-crossing of the rf-signal. The unit of such delays is TAI [ns].


abbreviation short description range typical value type unit used by mode purpose remark
flag_nok marks 'bad' values 32 bits   other N/A 1..4 marks invalid data flag: data not ok; bit 0: ext_phase, bit 1: ext_dKickMon ...
ext_phase h=1 phase @ extraction     TS ns 2..4 measurement of rf-phase, 'rf-trigger' TAI timestamp of positive zero crossing of h=1 signal measured by PM
ext_phaseFract_ps h=1 fractional phase [ps]     TS ps 2..4 measurement of rf-phase, fractional part to be added to 'ext_phase'
ext_phaseErr_ps h=1 error fractional phase [ps]     TS ps 2..4 measurement of rf-phase, uncertainty; presently: 'max/min window' of [[BunchBucketSubNsPhaseFit][sub-ns fit]
ext_dKickMon delay of kicker electronics out @ extr. -2s .. +2s 2000 ns Diff ns 2..4 checks kicker electronics operation, measures the ParamModi value 'kick offset' offset of signal relative to deadline of CMD_B2B_TRIGGEREXT
ext_dKickProbe delay of kicker magnet probe out @ extr. -2s .. +2s 2000 ns Diff ns 2..4 verifies kicker magnet operaton, measure 'delay' of actual kick start at magnet offset of signal relative to deadline of CMD_B2B_TRIGGEREXT
ext_diagMatch kicker trigger offset @ extraction -2s .. +2s 0 ns RFO ns 2..4 diagnostics of kicker timing offset of deadline of CMD_B2B_TRIGGEREXT to zero crossing of h=1 signal
ext_diagPhase rf diagnostics @ extraction -2s .. +2s 0 ns RFO ns 2..4 h=1 frequency measurement offset of measured h=1 signal after 20 ms to expected h=1 signal
inj_phase h=1 phase @ injection     TS ns 4 measurement of rf-phase, 'rf-trigger' TAI timestamp of positive zero crossing of h=1 signal measured by PM
inj_phaseFract_ps h=1 fractional phase [ps]     TS ps 2..4 measurement of rf-phase, fractional part to be added to 'inj_phase'
inj_phaseErr_ps h=1 error fractional phase [ps]     TS ps 2..4 measurement of rf-phase, uncertainty; presently: 'max/min window' of [[BunchBucketSubNsPhaseFit][sub-ns fit]
inj_dKickMon delay of kicker electronics out @ inj. -2s .. +2s 2000 ns Diff ns 3,4 checks kicker electronics operation, measures the ParamModi value 'kick offset' offset of signal relative to deadline of CMD_B2B_TRIGGERINJ
inj_dKickProbe delay of kicker magnet probe out @ inj. -2s .. +2s 2000 ns Diff ns 3,4 verifies kicker magnet operaton, measure 'delay' of actual kick start at magnet offset of signal relative to deadline of CMD_B2B_TRIGGERINJ
inj_diagMatch kicker trigger offset @ injection -2s .. +2s 0 ns RFO ns 4 diagnostics of kicker timing offset of deadline of CMD_B2B_TRIGGERINJ to zero crossing of h=1 signal (injection ring)
inj_diagPhase rf diagnostics @ injection -2s .. +2s 0 ns RFO ns 4 h=1 frequency measurement offset of measured h=1 signal after 20 ms to expected h=1 signal (injection ring)
flagEvtRec marks received events 10 bits   other N/A 0..4 checks relevant sub-systems are alive and operational flag for events received; PME, PMI, PRE, PRI, KTE, KTI, KDE, KDI, PDE, PDI
flagEvtErr marks events carrying error info 10 bits   other N/A 0..4 indicates errors of operation error flag; PME, PMI, ...
flagEvtLate marks events received 'late' 10 bits   other N/A 0..4 indicates error within realtime communication flag for events late; PME, PMI, ...
tEKS deadline EVT_KICK_START     TS ns 1..4 required for analysis received from Data Master
doneOff see remark -2s .. + 2s 200000 ns Diff ns 1..4 analysis of realtime action offset from EKS deadline to time when CBU sends KTE
preOff see remark -2s .. + 2s -400000 ns Diff ns 1..4 analysis of realtime action offset from EKS to measured extraction phase
priOff see remark -2s .. + 2s -400000 ns Diff ns 4 analysis of realtime action offset from EKS to measured injection phase
kteOff see remark -2s .. + 2s ~ms Diff ns 1..4 analysis of realtime action offset from EKS to KTE deadline
ktiOff see remark -2s .. + 2s ~ms Diff ns 3,4 analysis of realtime action offset from EKS to KTI deadline
Table: Get-Values.

Analyzed Values

abbreviation short description range typical value type unit used by mode purpose origin remark
ext_ddsOff... offset h=1 Group DDS @ extraction -2s .. + 2s 0 ns RFO ns 4 a value of ~ 0 ns indicates proper operation ext_diagMatch - ext_cTrig offset of measured h=1 signal to expected h=1 signal at deadline of CMD_B2B_TRIGGEREXT
...Act actual value          
...N number of measurements          
...Ave average value          
...Sdev standard deviation          
...Min minimum value          
...Max maximum value          
inj_ddsOff... offset h=1 Group DDS @ injection -2s .. + 2s 0 ns RFO ns 4 a value of ~ 0 ns indicates proper operation inj_diagMatch - inj_cTrig + cPhase offset of measured h=1 signal to expected h=1 signal at deadline of CMD_B2B_TRIGGERINJ
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
phaseOff... offset between the two h=1 Group DDS -2s .. + 2s 0 ns RFO ns 4 a value of ~ 'cPhase' indicates proper operation inj_ddsOffAct - ext_ddsOffAct + cPhase measured offset of h=1 signal of injection ring to h=1 signal of extraction ring
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
ext_rfOff... rf diagnostics @ extraction -2s .. + 2s 0 ns RFO ns 2..4 a value of ~ 0 ns indicates proper operation ext_diagPhase offset of measured h=1 signal after 20 ms to expected h=1 signal (extraction ring)
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
inj_rfOff... rf diagnostics @ injection -2s .. + 2s 0 ns RFO ns 4 a value of ~ 0 ns indicates proper operation inj_diagPhase offset of measured h=1 signal after 20 ms to expected h=1 signal (injection ring)
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
ext_rfNue... measured h=1 frequency   1 MHz other Hz 2..4 verify DDS frequency ext_rfOff, ext_T, ext_phase, observation interval measured frequency of h=1 Group DDS (extraction ring)
...N number of measurements          
...Ave average value          
...Sdev standard deviation          
...Diff difference to set-value           difference of measured value to set-value
...Est estimated frequency           estimated frequency of h=1 Group DDS taking into account the DDS step size
inj_rfNue... measured h=1 frequency   1 MHz other   4 verify DDS frequency inj_rfOff, inj_T, inj_phase, observation interval measured frequency of h=1 Group DDS (injection ring)
...XXX N, Ave, Sdev, Diff, Est          
Table: Analyzed values related to RF.

abbreviation short description range typical value type unit used by mode purpose origin remark
eks_doneOff... offset from EKS to fin -2s .. + 2s 200000 ns Diff ns 1..4 indicates if realtime requirements are met doneOff offset from EKS deadline to time when we are done
...Act actual value          
...N number of measurements          
...Ave average value          
...Sdev standard deviation          
...Min minimum value          
...Max maximum value          
eks_preOff... offset from extPhase to EKS -2s .. + 2s -400000 ns Diff ns 2..4 indicates if realtime requirements are met preOff offset from measured phase value (extraction) to EKS deadline
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
eks_priOff... offset from injPhase to EKS -2s .. + 2s -400000 ns Diff ns 4 indicates if realtime requirements are met priOff offset from measured phase value (injection) to EKS deadline
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
eks_kteOff... offset from EKS to KTE -2s .. + 2s ~ ms Diff ns 1..4 indicates expected (or not) kicker timing kteOff offset between KTE and EKS deadlines
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
eks_ktiOff... offset from EKS to KTI -2s .. + 2s ~ ms Diff ns 3,4 indicates expected (or not) kicker timing ktiOff offset between KTI and EKS deadlines
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
ext_monRem... see remark -2s .. + 2s 0..T_ext RFP ns 2..4 useful for comparing kicker timing between beams and configurations tEKS, kteOff, ext_dKickMon, ext_phase, T_ext delay of extraction kicker electronics out to previous rising edge of h=1 (extraction)
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
inj_monRem... see remark -2s .. + 2s 0..T_inj RFP ns 2..4 useful for comparing kicker timing between beams and configurations tEKS, ktiOff, inj_dKickMon, ext_phase, T_ext delay of injection kicker electronics out to previous rising edge of h=1 (extraction)
...XXX Act, N, Ave, Sdev, Min, Max          
Table: Other analyzed values.

-- DietrichBeck - 01 Jun 2023
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
valueTypeDiff.pngpng valueTypeDiff.png manage 9 K 2021-03-18 - 11:56 UnknownUser value type diff
valueTypeRFO.pngpng valueTypeRFO.png manage 23 K 2021-03-18 - 11:56 UnknownUser value type rf offset
valueTypeRFP.pngpng valueTypeRFP.png manage 23 K 2021-03-18 - 11:57 UnknownUser value type rf preceding
valueTypeTS.pngpng valueTypeTS.png manage 10 K 2021-03-18 - 11:57 UnknownUser value type timestamp
Topic revision: r6 - 2023-06-01, dbeck
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