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2015 Events

Helmholtz Juniors Annual Meeting 2015, Bremerhaven

  • Two elected HJ representatives would participate in the HeJu Annual meeting in Bremerhaven, January 2015.
  • Host of the event: AWI (Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research).
  • Report and outcome will be discussed in the next Meeting of PhD Students at GSI.

2014 Events

HGS-HIRe Participant Council Meeting 2014

  • The HGS-HIRe Participant Council Meeting is scheduled for 4th Dec 2014 (Thursday) from 16:00 -17:00 Hrs.
  • The Meeting is taking place at Main Auditorium, GSI Darmstadt.

2nd PhD Student's Science Day 2014

  • The 2nd edition of the PhD Student's Day will be organized on 11th Aug 2014 (14:00 hrs -17:00 hrs). More information to come , stay tuned. ( Indico page)
  • Event from 2013. Please find the information at our Indico page.

BBQ Event Summer 2014

  • To be announced.
  • Organizer : HelmholtzJuniors
    • (Event In-Charge - Paul Goergen).
    • Will be organized in Summer 2014.


  • Since quite a while, we are trying start our new initiative for PhD Students of “Mock Defense” or in other words, “Practice your Defense” thing.
  • This event is a free platform for all our students at GSI working for FAIR or FAIR related Projects in HGS-HIRe or other Graduate Schools to have a option to gather feedback and gain more confidence on their thesis defense.
  • We have planned it completely now and we also have some experts (Experimentalists and Theorists) who have already shown their interest in volunteering their time to help in this event.
  • Jury for the Defense will include at least 3 Experts, 2 (or more) Team Members of the PhD Student who are directly related to work, 1 member (if possible) from HGS-HIRe management and Genaral Audience (PhD Students at GSI)
    • Experts:
      • Expert 1: Dr. Silvia Masciocchi (Head, ALICE - GSI) : Heavy Ion and High energy experimental physics
      • Expert 2: Dr. Anton Andronic (EMMI - GSI) : Heavy Ion Experimental Physics, simulation and analysis
      • Expert 3: Prof. Dr. Hans Feldmeier (Theory @ GSI) : Theoretical physics
      • Expert 4: ??? (To be confirmed) : Material Science
      • Expert 5: ??? (To be confirmed) : Atomic and Molecular Physics
      • Expert 6: ??? (To be confirmed) : Detector technology and Data Acquisition
    • Team Members of the ! PhD Students : Student invites them to the event
      • Supervisor (optional)
      • Mentor(s) of the Student (if any)
      • Team members (associated closely to the project / thesis)
    • Management from HGS-HIRe (We will invite them as well)
      • Prof. Henner Buesching (ALICE, FIAS, GU Frankfurt)
      • Dr. Gerhard Burau
      • Dr. Sascha Vogel (Theory, FIAS)
    • General Audience
      • Helmholtz Juniors representative(s)
      • Students will the Audience
  • Common announcement to the Practice-Your-Defense (PYD) would be done via Email list and GSI Kurier.
  • Scheme of the defense system will be very much flexible. Student can tel us how is it done in their University so we could organize the same way.
    • Presentation (20-25 minutes)
    • Question: (10 minutes)
      • Experts
      • Management (if any)
      • General audience (if any)
    • Feedback from all (including comments and critical feedback on your talk) (written forms/sheets)
  • We are now looking for the possibility of finding the first speaker. We will discuss this in the next ! PhD Students Meeting next week at GSI with Students as well.
  • A Indico page has been set up for the more information. ( Indico page)
  • This event is supported by HGS-HIRe and Helmholtz Juniors @ GSI.
  • For any queries and information to this event please write us to Helmholtz-Juniors < >
  • To sign up for presenting your talk please send in you application to us Helmholtz-Juniors or to Pradeep Ghosh < >
  • Poster and more information can be found here. PYD-PracticeYourDefense.pdf / PYD-PracticeYourDefense.pptx

Helmholtz Juniors Annual Meeting 2014, Dresden

  • Pradeep Ghosh and Paul Goergen would participate in the HeJu Annual meeting in Dresden this year.
  • Report and outcome will be discussed in the next Meeting of PhD Students at GSI.

PhD Student's Meeting's @ GSI

  • Last Meeting, was November 2013. Next Meeting in February end week or March 2014. Date is yet to be announced.

2013 Events

1st PhD Student's Science Day 2013

  • On August 26th 2013, there was a PhD students science day. For the program visit the Indico page .
  • To download the information poster click here .

BBQ Event Summer 2013, Kalkofen

  • Due to the Weather the BBQ event did not take place in 2013, hopefully we will have one in 2014 instead.

Internal Survey @ GSI

  • Recently Helmholtz-Juniors @ GSI has conducted a survey based on "Relocation Issue" of the PhD Students working in GSI. The Survey was intended to look into the problem and get an idea of HOW BIG is the problem. The Survey was a success. The detailed analysis of the survey concluded that the relocation was only a local issue limited to a particular group/department and not a global issue. The detailed report dated 23 April 2013 can be found here. pdf

PhD Student's Meeting's @ GSI

  • GSI PhD Students met on 14.02.2013 in the GSI Canteen to discuss the Helmholtz Juniors Meeting in Berlin. Find the summary at the GSI Kurier

Helmholtz Juniors Annual Meeting 2013, Berlin

  • Anna Constantinescu and Pradeep Ghosh represented the Helmholtz Center GSI at the Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Juniors at Berlin.
  • The Helmholtz Juniors meeting took place in January 2013 in Berlin. The report is given in the HelmholtzJuniors section. There, you can find the survey 2012, too.

-- PaulG - 24 Feb 2014
Topic revision: r3 - 2014-12-02, SofijaAn - This page was cached on 2024-07-27 - 05:43.

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