Upgrade to Debian 4.0 (Etch) Some of this information may be obsolete! We are currently upgrading to Debian Etch. Large portions of the BatchFarm are already runn...
GSI Linux filesystems Home file systems For personal data like source code, analysis tools ... * All home file systems are backed up daily * Space is limi...
Upgrade to Debian 5.0 (Lenny) Upgrade of desktop boxes to Debian Lenny is still in progress see also the ReleasePlan. If you are experiencing problems create a ...
Desktop PCs with Linux GSI IT offers desktop installations with Debian Linux. * central authentication * Central home directories and other shared FileSyste...
Upgrade to Debian 3.1 (Sarge) The upgrade of the GSI LinuxFarm from Debian 3.0 (Woody) to 3.1 (Sarge) has been completed. Preparations for booting into Sarge Bes...
Software Environment The primary source of software installed on GSI IT's Linux computers are Debian packages. For other software or additional versions we utiliz...
Software in /usr/local The central /usr/local/ volume has been discontinued after DebianSqueeze. Please take a look at SoftwareInCvmfs instead. The old volume i...
LibreOffice LibreOffice is a suite of office applications for presentations, text, and spread sheet processing. It is a standard part of the LinuxDesktop installa...
Some useful tips for the XFCE desktop Using Xfce Terminal instead of Konsole Open "Xfce Menu" "Settings" "Preferred Applications", click on tab "Utilities" a...
Linux at GSI Contact * The Linux group announces operational issues on https://gsi.de/it status * Important issues are also communicated via the GSI LIN...
GSI Wiki.Linux Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GSI Wiki.Linux web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., ...