Monday 23rd April

17:30-19:00 - Apéro

Objective: chill, mingle, plan some warm-up activities for Tuesday, drink.

Volunteers will plan some warm-up activities for tomorrow, if they wish with the support of the organisers

Tuesday 24th April

9:00-10:20 – Introductory address

9:00-9:20 Greeting Héloise GOUTTE, GANIL


9:40-10:00 Key note Sonia UTERMANN, GSI

10:00-10:20 Housekeeping Cécile MERLIN and Valentin ROCTON, GANIL

10:20-10:40 – warm-up exercisesled by volunteers from yesterday’s apéro

10:40 – Plenum kick-off:what we’re going to do after the break is…

identify our topics, so get thinking about them while you drink your coffee

10:45-11:00 – break

11:00-13:00 – theme finding

11:00- about 12:10ish (as long as necessary) - part one

Objective: identify all possible topics. Make sure everyone has a voice.

One at a time! Each participant (who wants to) should write a card with their personal goal/theme for the workshop. This can be as general or specific as they like. Stand up, present the topic to the group in a few sentences, with an anecdote or whatever, pin it to the board. Next, please!

12:10ish-12:45ish – part two

Objective: use the hive mind to sort and filter the topics, distilling them to the 4, 5 or 6 topics that will be the subject of the parallel sessions.

12:45ish -13:00 – part three

Objective: identify groups to deal with each topic in the first parallel round.

Write the names on the boards. Elect a chair, co-chair and a rapporteur (roles explained on sheets).

13:00-14:00 – lunch in the GANIL restaurant.

14:00-16:00 – parallel session 1

Objective: develop the topics from themes to questions to solutions

14:00-15:30ish – group discussion
  1. brainstorming of ideas
  2. then filter the ideas
  3. choose the most promising for development
  4. Sharpen the result to a concrete task or series of tasks for parallel session 2.
15:30ish-16:00 – protocol and report

Fill in the session protocol – together with the rapporteur. Put all documentation on a board. Take photos, upload items to the wiki if possible.

16:00-17:30 – Tour of SPIRAL2

19:30 – Conference dinner At Café Mancel in Caen castle.

25th April 2018

9:00-10:00 – discussion at boards

Objective: refresh the results of parallel session 1, exchange ideas, see what the other groups were up to, add comments to the work of a different group, form groups for parallel session 2.

Free discussion according to personal interest. At least one representative of each group should be available at the group’s board for explaining. Change places so everyone has a chance to see everyone else’s results.

Then form groups for the second parallel session. You can stay with the same topic or change.

10:00-10:15 – tea break

10:15-12:00 – Parallel session 2

10:15-11:45ish – group discussion

Objective: develop applications, tasks and tools from the start point of the first round. If desired, form groups for further development of the topics after the workshop.

Possible outcomes might be:

- a draft contract

- a supply-chain process flowchart

- a user access policy

- an ownership accreditation method

11:45ish-12:15 – protocol and report

Fill in the session protocol – together. Put all documentation on a board. Take photos, upload items to the wiki if possible.

12:15-13:00 – discussion at the boards

Objective: analyse the results of parallel session 2, exchange ideas, see what the other groups were up to, add comments to the work of a different group.

Free discussion according to personal interest. At least one representative of each group should be available at the group’s board for explaining. Change places so everyone has a chance to see everyone else’s results.

13:00-14:00 – lunch in the GANIL restaurant

14:00-14:30 – preparation for plenum

Objective: organize results and prepare group work for presentation to the plenum.

Summarise the primary results of the group work and the discussions at the board, upload to wiki

14:30-16:00 – Plenum

Objective: make sure everyone is in possession of all the results of the workshop, produce plausible documentation.

At least one person from each group presents a summary of the main premises and results of the group work, conclusions (also negative conclusions “we now know what doesn’t work”), tools, open points and further work. Spin-off working groups can introduce themselves here. Maximum 15 minutes per group, including audience questions.

16:00-16:30 – closing address

16:00-16:20 wrap-up and outlook Sonia UTERMANN

16:20-16:30 thanks and closure Héloise GOUTTE

Topic revision: r2 - 2018-04-18, SoniaUtermann
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