Plenum 1

Héloise Goutte: Introduction to SPIRAL2 (slides attached)

Marek Lewitowicz: Introduction to (slides attached)

Sonia Utermann: Thematic introduction IKBest4_beer_in_Berlin

Cecile Merlin, Valentin Rocton, Sonia Utermann: Introduction to IKBest4 IKBest_Sonia_Utermann_slides_01

Warm-up organised by Martin Marenich of FAIR, Darmstadt, DE

Results of the first plenum IKBest_plenum_01_results

First plenum chaired by Francesco Dazzi, CTA, Bologne, IT

Plenum 2

Martin Marenich: IKBest4_more_cake_for_everyone

Results of the second plenum IKBest_plenum_02_results

Sonia Utermann: Outlook IKBest4_outlook

-- SoniaUtermann - 2018-04-03

Topic revision: r5 - 2018-05-14, SoniaUtermann - This page was cached on 2024-10-18 - 08:50.

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