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Registration for IKBest5 is open! * https://in kind action=index forward controller=index lang=en * If you don't have a wiki a...
Plenum 1 Héloise Goutte: Introduction to SPIRAL2 (slides attached) Marek Lewitowicz: Introduction to (slides attached) Sonia Utermann: Thematic introduction IKB...
* Plan_Elaboree.docx: Detailed plan for the organisers * Plan_Simple.docx: Simple timetable for the conference pack Main.SoniaUtermann 2018 04 13 Monday ...
Group 1: In Kind models in practice ESS and FAIR (add others as we go along) Starting topics Adressed: * What are the in kind models of different big science ...
* Plan_Elaboree.docx: Detailed plan for the organisers * Plan_Simple.docx: Simple timetable for the conference pack Monday 23rd April 17:30 19:00 Apéro Obj...
* Summary_of_tasks_from_5th_April.docx: To do list from 5th April * Task_list_13th_April_2018.docx: To do list 13th April Main.SoniaUtermann 2018 04 13 ...
Save the date! 9th and 10th April 2019 in Helsinki Organising committee: Tuomas Grahn (Jyväskylä), Sonia Utermann (GSI/GANIL) Welcome to the 5th international wo...
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% Welcome to the wiki for in kind best practice. This is YOUR resource, so add and edit as much as you wish. You are here:htt...
Number of topics: 8
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