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9th and 10th April 2019 in Helsinki

Organising committee: Tuomas Grahn (Jyväskylä), Sonia Utermann (GSI/GANIL)

Welcome to the 5th international workshop on in-kind best practice!

In-kind and other models of international Co-operation

Register here

Your organizers this year are Tuomas Grahn and Sonia Utermann. We are being hosted by the Helsinki Institute of Physics and are grateful to the IDEAAL project for sponsorship.

So what's new this time around?

Since the first workshop in Lund in 2014, many of our big science projects in Europe have matured and so our questions have narrowed and deepened. Big science facilities like CERN, ESA, ESS and European-XFEL are working more closely together in exchanging knowledge and resources. At IKBest5, we are going to have a close look at the pros and cons of international Big Science and models for co-operative research.That's why we have selected a twofold approach.
  • We will have a session dedicated to practical solutions for late-stage project management, installation and life-cycle management; and
  • We will have a session to develop concepts for an in-kind future of smaller and more flexible mobile devices post-AGATA and Euroball vis-à-vis large and monolithic facilities.
This is the fifth of a cycle of workshops initiated by the European Spallation Source (ESS) and resumed by GSI, FAIR and the EU horizon2020 project IDEAAL.

Confirmed speakers so far

L. Winter, PTB, DE

N. Ottoson, Wetenskapsradet, SE

T. Weissenberg, ESA, FR

A. Bonucci, European XFEL, DE

T. Grahn, University of Jyväskylä, FI

V. Saez, F4E, ES

-- SoniaUtermann - 2018-05-01
Topic revision: r4 - 2019-02-07, SoniaUtermann
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