S6 — Current Grid CG611 (GTE5DGCG)

FRS Home Page - Areas.gif S6 Pictures Drawings Cable Connections

Updated April 17, 2019

General information - dismounted in 2018

A gas-filled beam profile detector by Otto Klepper.
Click to see a photo of the detector and the drive .

Wiring and orientation of the detector.

Position [mm]
CENTER 1.1 (not reachable)
IN 5.1
OUT 115.0

NOTE: In the IN position 4.0 mm are missing to beam axis (for the center of the detector).
(see Wiring and orientation for further information).




-- SagarRoy - 2021-07-05
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Areas.gifgif Areas.gif manage 1 K 2021-07-10 - 09:16 SagarRoy  
ULD03No11.jfifjfif ULD03No11.jfif manage 302 K 2021-07-14 - 12:22 SagarRoy  
ULD03No11atTE5DDA.jfifjfif ULD03No11atTE5DDA.jfif manage 292 K 2021-07-14 - 12:22 SagarRoy  
ULD03Uebersicht.jpgjpg ULD03Uebersicht.jpg manage 844 K 2021-07-14 - 12:22 SagarRoy  
Topic revision: r4 - 2021-07-14, SagarRoy - This page was cached on 2024-10-15 - 15:15.

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