A loooooooooooong brake took place for these kind of developments. (just a remark)
In order to run the check the principles I just try whether a cross compiled IOC runs on the preinstalled Linux on the ml403 board.
In order to start the development certain steps are needed.
NFS mount
I assume that a socond network for a private network is installed. I use: on my Suse linux machine and on the ml403
The wrong way:
It makes sense to allow the Linux on the ml403 board to get access to some files (a directory) on another computer.
On the nfsserver introduce the following line to /etc/exports
Restart the nfsserver. (/etc/init.d/nfsserver restart)
On the client side(ml403):
Add in /etc/nfstab the following line: /nfs nfs rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 0 0
The mountpoint /nfs must exist. Mounting with mount /nfs does the job.
EPICS cross compilation stuff setup
MarcRStockmeier - 20 Feb 2006