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Cross compiling DIM on Linux for ETRAX from scratch

Download DIM

You can download DIM here.

Download the altered makefiles for compiling DIM for Etrax here:

Overwrite the old makefiles and run make.

Alternatively, ...

Check out the CVS Project containing DIM, ready to be cross compiled, and as an option a DIM client and server, suitable for transmitting strings, q.v. cross compile and install DIM on ETRAX for further information.

Check the environment variables

If you took the DIMCross version, read the README file and install as instructed. This DIMCross version makes two libraries, one for x86, and one for etrax architecture. These are found in directorys dim/linux and dim/linux-etrax.

If you want to install DIM for Etrax manually, check out these environment variables:
  • You need environment variables for your Axis devboard, the SDK for cross compilation. Therefore, change directory to your SDK, like cd home/devboard-R2_01/, and source . init env .
  • Now setup some variables for DIM:
    • export OS=Linux
    • export ODIR=linux-etrax
    • export ARCH=etrax
    • Call . setup.sh from DIM, in the DIM root directory.

Now call make clean in the DIM directory, then make all. DIM for Etrax is ready.

-- MartinFeldmann - 20 Feb 2007
-- PeterZumbruch - 22 Mar 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
dimCross.zipzip dimCross.zip manage 4 MB 2007-02-20 - 13:59 UnknownUser This is a whole eclipse/ CVS project containing DIM (for cross compilation) and a client and server for transmitting strings
makefileEXT makefile manage 1 K 2007-02-20 - 13:39 UnknownUser The global makefile for DIM, GUI is set to NO so Did won't be made.
makefile_commonEXT makefile_common manage 1 K 2007-02-20 - 13:40 UnknownUser The common makefile, included in all the other makefiles of DIM.
makefile_dimEXT makefile_dim manage 3 K 2007-02-20 - 13:41 UnknownUser This is the file that makes DIM itself.
makefile_etraxEXT makefile_etrax manage 448 bytes 2007-05-14 - 17:22 PeterZumbruch updated: A new additional makefile, which is included in common. Most Etrax specific changes were made here.
Topic revision: r10 - 2007-05-14, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-12-19 - 20:23.

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