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Cross compile and install DIM on ETRAX package
on the basis of the CVS repository

This documentation describes on the basis of the HADES DAQ infrastructure the installation of DIM on an ETRAX based system.

Alternatively, ...

Install DIM from scratch applying the modified makefiles to the newest version of DIM, q.v. cross compile and install DIM from scratch for further information.

1. Login in to the build system where your ETRAX environment is running

(q.v. Intallation of AXIS developer board service SDK)
  • e.g. hadeb05
    ssh -l user hadeb05

2. change to the directory were the SDK is installed and initialize ETRAX environment

  • e.g. ~/devboard-R2_01
    cd ~/devboard-R2_01 && . ./init_env

3. retrieve the code ...

  • Change to directory where you want to install/compile dim
    e.g. ~/devboard-R2_01/apps
    cd ~/devboard-R2_01/apps

3.a ... from CVS

  • Herefore you have to be member of the group epicsusr, if not, then download tar balls ( q.v. 3.b ) or contact PeterZumbruch.
  • The CVS repository is: /u/epics/cvs/repos/projects
  • The module is : DIMCross_ETRAX
  • checkout the module:
    cvs -d user@lxi001:/u/epics/cvs/repos/projects checkout DIMCross_ETRAX

3.b ... from a tar ball

  • download on of these:
  • copy it to the directory you are in and untar it:
    cp *somewhere*/DIMCross_ETRAX-vXX.Y.tar.gz . && tar -zxvf DIMCross_ETRAX-vXX.Y.tar.gz

4. compile

4.a prepare compilation

  • descend to directory DIMCross_ETRAX/src
    cd DIMCross_ETRAX/src
  • set DIMDIR environment variable
    export DIMDIR=$PWD/DIMCross

4.b. install

  • call install script
  • DIM is compiled twice:
    1. for the build system itself: target directory $DIMDIR/linux
    2. for the target system ETRAX: target directory $DIMDIR/linux-etrax
  • see install script for more documentation

5. copy libraries and executables to target system

  • in case of HADES the data are copied to a directory on lxhadesdaq, which is mounted by the ETRAX linux system

5.a preparations

  • target directory: /var/diskless/etrax/USER/dim, where USER can be chosen, but must exists
  • so if necessary, create target directory:
    ssh hadaq@lxhadesdaq "mkdir -p /var/diskless/etrax/USER/dim"

5.b copy

scp -r $DIMDIR/linux-etrax/* hadaq@lxhadesdaq:/var/diskless/etrax/USER/dim

6 ... on the target system

  • login to the target system:
    • e.g. de-etrax041
      telnet de-etrax041
  • on the HADES ETRAX based boards, the directory is mounted (read-only) as /home/hadaq/USER/
  • to run an DIM application you have to set some environment variables:
      if [ -z $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ];
      then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/hadaq/USER/dim;
      else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/hadaq/USER/dim ;
    • DIM_DNS_NODE, the node where the DNS server for DIM is started, e.g. lxg0434
      export DIM_DNS_NODE=lxg0434

7. first test

-- PeterZumbruch - 22 Mar 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
DIMCross_ETRAX-v16r10.tar.gzgz DIMCross_ETRAX-v16r10.tar.gz manage 3 MB 2007-03-22 - 18:58 PeterZumbruch packaged DIM for ETRAX based on version v16r10
DIMCross_ETRAX-v16r8.tar.gzgz DIMCross_ETRAX-v16r8.tar.gz manage 3 MB 2007-03-22 - 14:30 PeterZumbruch packaged DIM for ETRAX based on version v16r8
Topic revision: r3 - 2007-03-22, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-12-19 - 19:54.

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