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Cross compile and install DIMCross_StringClientServer package on ETRAX
on the basis of the CVS repository

This documentation describes on the basis of the HADES DAQ infrastructure the installation of DIMCross_StringClientServer on an ETRAX based system. It also includes/extends the installation of the DIM package ( q.v. Cross compile and install DIM on ETRAX package)

1. Login in to the build system where your ETRAX environment is running

(q.v. Intallation of AXIS developer board service SDK)
  • e.g. hadeb05
    ssh -l user hadeb05

2. change to the directory were the SDK is installed and initialize ETRAX environment

  • e.g. ~/devboard-R2_01
    cd ~/devboard-R2_01 && . ./init_env

3. retrieve the code ...

  • Change to directory where you want to install/compile dim
    e.g. ~/devboard-R2_01/apps
    cd ~/devboard-R2_01/apps

3.a ... from CVS

  • Herefore you have to be member of the group epicsusr, if not, then download tar balls ( q.v. 3.b ) or contact PeterZumbruch.
  • The CVS repository is: /u/epics/cvs/repos/projects
  • The module is : DIMCross_StringClientServer
  • checkout the module:
    cvs -d user@lxi001:/u/epics/cvs/repos/projects checkout DIMCross_StringClientServer

3.b ... from a tar ball

4. compile

4.a prepare compilation

  • descend to directory DIMCross_StringClientServer/src
    cd DIMCross_StringClientServer/src
  • set DIMDIR environment variable
    export DIMDIR=$PWD/DIMCross

4.b. install

  • call install script
  • DIM is compiled twice:
    1. for the build system itself: target directory $DIMDIR/linux
    2. for the target system ETRAX: target directory $DIMDIR/linux-etrax
  • see install script for more documentation
  • dimServer only compiled for the target architecture: etrax
  • commandLineClient only compiled for the build architecture: x86
  • TIP by changing the settings in src/stringClientServer/configure you can alter this behaviour TIP

5. copy libraries and executables to target system

  • in case of HADES the data are copied to a directory on lxhadesdaq, which is mounted by the ETRAX linux system

5.a preparations

  • target directory, for mdc_gas_monitor (dimServer): /var/diskless/etrax/USER/mdc_gas_monitor, where USER can be chosen, but must exists
  • so if necessary, create target directory:
    ssh hadaq@lxhadesdaq "mkdir -p /var/diskless/etrax/USER/mdc_gas_monitor"
  • if you haven't installed dim yet you also have to prepare this:
    • target directory, for dim: /var/diskless/etrax/USER/dim, where USER can be chosen, but must exists
    • so if necessary, create target directory:
      ssh hadaq@lxhadesdaq "mkdir -p /var/diskless/etrax/USER/dim"

5.b copy

  • mdc_gas_monitor (dimServer):
    scp -r stringClientServer/dimServer/bin/dimServer hadaq@lxhadesdaq:/var/diskless/etrax/USER/mdc_gas_monitor
  • if you haven't installed dim yet you also have to prepare this:
    scp -r $DIMDIR/linux-etrax/* hadaq@lxhadesdaq:/var/diskless/etrax/USER/dim

6 ... on the target system

  • login to the target system:
    • e.g. de-etrax041
      telnet de-etrax041
  • on the HADES ETRAX based boards, the directory is mounted (read-only) as /home/hadaq/USER/
  • to run an DIM application you have to set some environment variables:
      if [ -z $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ];
      then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/hadaq/USER/dim;
      else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/hadaq/USER/dim ;
    • DIM_DNS_NODE, the node where the DNS server for DIM is started, e.g. lxg0434
      export DIM_DNS_NODE=lxg0434

-- PeterZumbruch - 23 Mar 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
DIMCross_StringClientServer_DIMv16r7.tar.gzgz DIMCross_StringClientServer_DIMv16r7.tar.gz manage 3 MB 2007-03-23 - 14:19 PeterZumbruch packaged DIMCross_StringClientServerPackageOnEtrax for ETRAX based on version v16r7
Topic revision: r2 - 2007-03-23, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-10-16 - 03:46.

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