Results of the CS Workshop in February2006

  • Next CS Releases
    • CS Release 3.0
      • Stay with LV 7.1
      • include DIM
      • include all available classes
    • CS Release 4.0 with LV 8.1?
  • LabVIEW built-in SCC -> SubVersion. Deadline March 1st 2006!
  • Joining OpenG and will be evaluated
  • Packaging
    • Make small packages now -> becomes available with SubVersion.
    • Make dependencies clear!
    • OpenG Builder and Commander
  • Christian wants to prepare a MySQLClient.
  • Invitation to join MARRATECH test phase for remote collaboration.
  • Systec will support a CS based General Sequencer BaseClass hierarchy.
  • Plan next CS Workshop for February 2007


Attendees of CS-Workshop Feb 2006

-- HolgerBrand - 03 Feb 2006
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
CS_Work_swFeb06.jpgjpg CS_Work_swFeb06.jpg manage 913 K 2006-02-06 - 11:16 HolgerBrand Attendees of CS-Workshop Feb 2006 Black&White
CS_WorkshopFeb06.jpgjpg CS_WorkshopFeb06.jpg manage 1 MB 2006-02-06 - 11:15 HolgerBrand Attendees of CS-Workshop Feb 2006
Topic revision: r3 - 2006-02-06, HolgerBrand - This page was cached on 2024-08-29 - 17:17.

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