Beam Control Program - How to Start it Up

When the PC reboots it will automatically load the right programs by the GSI distributed loading program. All you need to do is push the big, blue button on the loader and the three control programs (Beam Control, Beam Monitor and Phyrometer) will start up.

If for some reason the Beam Control program has been shut down, you can start it manually, without rebooting, by executing the file in "F"\LVSCC\binaries\TASCA\LV2009\BeamControl\BeamControl\TASCABeamControl.exe".

If you are starting a new experiment (a whole beam-time), you should specify the experiment number in the .ini file, all other parameters are accesible from the program's menu.

-- JonPetterOmtvedt - 09 Jun 2011
Topic revision: r1 - 2011-06-09, JonPetterOmtvedt - This page was cached on 2025-02-15 - 02:42.

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