How-To: Firmware, Tests and Development - Status August 2017


This page summarizes the status of development and firmware for the Bunch-to-Bucket Transfer System from the point of view of the timing system.

For more details about the FAIR B2B transfer system, please read the following PhD thesis:
  • Jiaoni Bai, 'Development of the Timing System for the Bunch-to-Bucket Transfer between the FAIR Accelerators' at 'Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main'
  • Tibo's thesis


Flowchart of firmware (For more details, please see Jiaoni Bai's thesis):

B2B source SCU (steps in the blue rectangle are realized in the firmware of the B2B source SCU)


B2B target and trigger SCUs (steps in the blue rectangle are realized in the firmware of the B2B target and trigger SCUs)


Nodes configuration:
  • Configuration for the B2B source SCU
Login the B2B source SCU
# ssh
Configure the ECA queue to storage the B2B frames CMD_B2B_START and TGM_PHASE_TIME
# saft-ecpu-ctl baseboard -c 0XDEADBEEF11111111 32 0 0
# saft-ecpu-ctl baseboard -c 0XDEADBEEF22222222 32 0 0
Configure one IO port as an input for the TTL signal of the SIS18 DS345
# saft-io-ctl baseboard B2 -o 0
Load the B2B source SCU firmware to the LM32
# lm32-ctl
# load B2B _main_src.elf
  • Configuration for the B2B target SCU
Login the B2B target SCU
# ssh
Configure the ECA queue to storage the B2B frames CMD_B2B_START
# saft-ecpu-ctl baseboard -c 0XDEADBEEF11111111 32 0 0
Configure one IO port as an input for the TTL signal of the SIS100 DS345
# saft-io-ctl baseboard B2 -o 0
Load the B2B target SCU firmware to the LM32
# lm32-ctl
# load B2B _main_trg.elf
  • Configuration for the B2B trigger SCU
Login the Trigger SCU
# ssh
Configure the ECA queue to storage the B2B frames TGM_SYNCH_WIN
# saft-ecpu-ctl baseboard -c 0XDEADBEEF33333333 32 0 0
Configure one IO port as an output port
# saft-io-ctl baseboard B2 -o 1
Configure ECA to produce a TTL signal at the output port, when the frame TGM_SYNCH_WIN is executed
# saft-B2B-triggerSCU baseboard 0XDEADBEEF33333333 B2
Load the Trigger SCU firmware to the LM32
# lm32-ctl
# load B2B _main_trigger.elf

WRS test Configuration and Result:

-- DietrichBeck - 24 Aug 2017
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Conculsion.pdfpdf Conculsion.pdf manage 1 MB 2017-08-25 - 13:20 UnknownUser  
GSI_use_case.pdfpdf GSI_use_case.pdf manage 2 MB 2017-08-25 - 12:56 UnknownUser  
flow_chart_src.jpgjpg flow_chart_src.jpg manage 534 K 2017-08-25 - 13:23 UnknownUser  
flow_chart_trg.jpgjpg flow_chart_trg.jpg manage 88 K 2017-08-25 - 13:23 UnknownUser  
flowchart_src.jpgjpg flowchart_src.jpg manage 74 K 2017-08-25 - 13:37 UnknownUser  
flowchart_trg_trigger.jpgjpg flowchart_trg_trigger.jpg manage 68 K 2017-08-25 - 13:41 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r4 - 2017-08-25, dbeck
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