You are here: GSI Wiki>PHDStudents Web>PhdMailingList (2012-04-24, UweScholz)Edit Attach

Created around 2006 -- Last change 24 Apr 2012
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Contact Mailing List

mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif mail.gif

The PhD mailing list "" is used for sharing information between all the PhD candidates, diploma-, master-, and other students at GSI. If you think you have information which could be important for all of us you are encouraged the send it to this list.

bubble.gif We would kindly ask you to spread the information that this mailing list exists among new PhD candidates or students in your working group, even if they are not working all weekdays at GSI.

Subscribe to the list

There are several ways to subscribe to the list:

  • Send a mail to with the following text in the mailbody: SUBSCRIBE phd-all FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
    You should of course replace FIRSTNAME LASTNAME with your real name. smile


We would like to update the subscribers list as there are certainly several orphaned entries.

  • If you are no more a PhD candidate or a student working at GSI or you know one not working anymore at GSI please send a message to We will than try to find out if your information is correct and unsubscribe the person in question. Thank you!

  • You can unsubscribe by you own by sending a message to with the text UNSUBSCRIBE phd-all.

-- UweScholz - 01 Mar 2012
Topic revision: r4 - 2012-04-24, UweScholz
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