Created around 2006 -- Last change 10 Nov 2012
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Administrative Challenges at GSI

Information and HowTo's concerning different administratives tasks at GSI. Most PhD students have a guest status at GSI. The head of department is the guest's host (Gastgeber) and therefore responsible for him in administrative matters. This is not necessarily the academic supervisor! It is someone listed in the organigram/organisation chart.

If you find a misstake or have suggestions for more HowTo's, feel free to add them!

HowTo get a radiation badge

Your head of department has to assign the online instruction for you. In order that she can do that, you need to have a weblogin-account. If you can login at (usually the login is the prefix of your email adress at gsi, like 'v.nachname', i.e. you need to have a computer account), you have a weblogin account. Here you also should have done a general safety instruction, assigned by your head of department! Then you will have to visit GSI's medical. Contact G.Monzo for an appointment. There you will be disburdend by some liters of blood and some checks will be performed in order to ensure, that you are physically able to work in a radiation ara. Some time (weeks) later, you will get a badge with a barcode, located in some of the small boxes distributed at GSI.

Validation of these information necessary!

HowTo fill a travel form

The request for a business trip has to be made online in advance to your trip. In the weblogin-area (see "HowTo get a radiation badge," there is a point "Dienstreise Online", where this can be done.

  • If you have a contract at GSI, you can fill out the travel form yourself.
  • If you have no GSI contract but you get a stipend, e.g. from FIAS (which is very likely for a PhD student), you have to find someone with a "PROZ-account". This is someone with a GSI-contract like the secretary of your department, who has to fill out the travel form for you. In this case, you are an external person ("Betriebsfremder").
  • Be aware that you will not be covered by an accident insurance from GSI if you have no GSI contract! In this case, you home institute is responsible for you.

Your name has to appear in the title of the travel form.
You should check in advance, which account ("Kostenstelle") has to be charged.
If no cost's will arise, like in a HGS-HIRe lecture week, usually your group account is taken. Ask your supervisor for that.

-- UweScholz - 10 Nov 2012
Topic revision: r3 - 2012-11-13, UweScholz
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