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Results from IKBestX web retrieved at 16:16 (Local)

Registration for IKBest5 is open! * https://in kind action=index forward controller=index lang=en * If you don't have a wiki a...
* Plan_Elaboree.docx: Detailed plan for the organisers * Plan_Simple.docx: Simple timetable for the conference pack Main.SoniaUtermann 2018 04 13 Monday ...
30 minute group tasks Draft an in kind contract in five sentences or fewer. Draw a diagram of how liability is divided in GANIL. Draw another one showing how it c...
Group 3: cost book Starting topics Adressed: * Leverage and control in in kind * Cost of in kind for host institution * Does the IKC include manpower? ...
Does anything else need to be said? What? What topics do we have open for IKBest5? Are there working groups? Who? What topics? IKBest5 Save the date: 9th and 1...
Topic 1 Topic 2 Miloš, .... Write the agenda for IKBest5 Marek, Yorick, Tuomas, Sonia SAVE THE DATE 9th and 10th April 2015 Helsinki Organisers: Tuomas Grahn...
%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% Welcome to the wiki for in kind best practice. This is YOUR resource, so add and edit as much as you wish. You are here:htt...
Number of topics: 7

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