30-minute group tasks

Draft an in-kind contract in five sentences or fewer.

Draw a diagram of how liability is divided in GANIL. Draw another one showing how it could be with a completed SPIRAL2.

Draw a diagram showing how responsibility is/could be divided between site and buildings, accelerator and experiment.

Draft a cable policy; who pays for what cables?

Brainstorm as exhaustive a list as possible of the non-material resources needed to build an accelerator.

Brainstorm as exhaustive a list as possible of the non-material resources needed to run an airport.

Draft a user access model for the European Space Station. Then draft one for SPIRAL2.

Write down a possible agenda or timetable for IKBest5

Make an exhaustive list of stakeholders in an accelerator project of your choice.

Draft an open science proposal to the directors of GANIL (or a different facility).

Design a procedure of user access from beam-time proposal to data transfer.

Design a GANIL access policy aimed at industrial partners

Write a short personnel exchange agreement between your facility and GANIL in no more than five sentences.

Draft a user code of conduct for SPIRAL2.

Imagine you want to sabotage the SPIRAL2 project. What do you need to do to drive it into the ground?

Redesign IKBest4 retrospectively. What should the workshop have been about?

-- SoniaUtermann - 2018-04-19
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-04-19, SoniaUtermann - This page was cached on 2025-01-28 - 05:20.

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