On the days of the conference, both French Rail SNCF AND Air France will be on strike. (https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2018/04/07/le-calendrier-des-greves-sncf-et-air-france-entre-vacances-de-printemps-et-jours-feries_a_23405295/ ). If you are travelling on Monday 23rd or Tuesday 24th April, your journey to Caen will almost certainly be affected. There are a number of alternatives:

1. Take a flight to Paris or Rennes
2. Take a coach (I recommend the metasearch site https://www.goeuro.com/). Shuttles between Paris Charles de Gaulle and the coach stations can be booked on le-bus direct https://www.lebusdirect.com/.
3. Hire a car at the airport. This is actually cheaper than the coach if you are arriving in a group. If you need our help to find someone to share your rental car, plese tell me your arrival time, place and terminal and I will see if I can pair you with someone.
4. Arrange your travel a day earlier. Arrive on Sunday 22nd instead and enjoy the beautiful region of Calvados!
5. Let us know if you have another solution and you need our support.

Above all: please do not cancel your attendance. We will find a solution for you! Just send us a mail.

If you are coming by car and you have a spare place for a passenger that you could offer, please let us know.

One or two spaces are free from Orsay to Caen and back. Please contact s.utermann@gsi.de

-- SoniaUtermann - 2018-04-12
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-04-12, SoniaUtermann
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