2nd In-Kind Contributions Workshop (IKCW 2015)

Wednesday, 4 November 2015, 9:00 – 16:30
GSI/FAIR, Darmstadt, Germany; KBW (FAIR) Lecture Theatre
Chair: Ramila Amirikas (FAIR GmbH)


Tuesday, 3 November 2015

18:00 – 21:00 Workshop Dinner
Hotel/Restaurant Bockshaut (www.bockshaut.de)
Kirchstrasse 7-9
64283 Darmstadt

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

9:00 Welcome Address from the FAIR GmbH Scientific Managing Director
Boris Y. Sharkov (FAIR GmbH Darmstadt, Germany)
9:10 Opening Address from the FAIR Project Leader
Jürgen Henschel (FAIR/GSI GmbH Darmstadt, Germany)
9:20 Overview of the FAIR Accelerators
Peter Spiller (GSI GmbH Darmstadt, Germany)
9:45 Production of SIS-100 Quad Units in Dubna: Status and Plans
Sergei Kostromin (JINR, Dubna, Russia)
10:10 Unraveling Stellar Alchemy with NUSTAR
Alexander Herlert (FAIR GmbH Darmstadt, Germany)
10:35 Morning Coffee/Tea Break; Workshop Photo (KBW, FAIR Lobby)
11:05 In-Kind Contributions to FAIR
David Urner (FAIR GmbH Darmstadt, Germany)
11:30 In-Kind Contributions to the European XFEL Facility
Antonio Bonucci (XFEL GmbH Hamburg, Germany)
11:55 Status of ITER In-Kind Contributions
Ken Blackler (ITER, Cadarache, France)
12:20 Raising Awareness for In-Kind Contributions to ESS – Expressions of Interest and
Partner and Industry Days Campaign
Allen Weeks, Ute Gunsenheimer (ESS ERIC Lund, Sweden)
12:45 Lunch (KBW, FAIR Lobby)
13:45 Making Difficult Decisions in a Transparent Way – Building the ESS Target Wheel
John Haines (ESS ERIC Lund, Sweden)
14:10 Delivery of FAIR In-Kind Items (Feedback from India)
Wolfgang Jacoby (FAIR GmbH Darmstadt, Germany) for Subhasish Chattopadhyay (VECC, Kolkata, India)
14:30 I-DESIGN Perspectives of FAIR In-Kind Contributions: Challenges and Opportunities for
Indian Industries
Satya Swarup Udgata (I-Design Engineering Solutions, Pune, India)
14:55 Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break (KBW, FAIR Lobby)
15:25 Discussion Forum: Strategies for the Realization of Scientific Projects in Time and
Budget via In-Kind Contributions
Moderator: Ramila Amirikas (FAIR GmbH Darmstadt, Germany)
16:25 Closing Remarks
16:30 End of the Workshop

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