PostDoc Position in Subatech

Immediate Post-Doctoral position at SubaTech - Nantes (France) ================================================

Modification of the hadronic multiplicity of jets in Pb-Pb collisions in the ALICE experiment

SubaTech has an immediate opening for a Post-doctoral position on the measurement of hadronic multiplicity of jets and its modifications in heavy ion collisions to be carried out with the ALICE detector at the LHC.

The scientific goals are to extract the intrajet radiation spectrum with photon-jet events in proton-proton and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC with the ALICE detector focusing on both simulations and data analysis. By intrajet radiation spectrum we mean the single hadron multiplicity distribution inside one jet, either as a function of the hadron energy, actually xi=ln E_jet/E_had (the Hump-backed plateau) or of the hadron transverse momentum (y=ln k_T). Some emphasis will be put into mastering the background from Heavy Ion collisions and how to deal with its subtraction for the corrected Hump-backed plateau extraction.

The applicant should hold a PhD thesis in high-energy physics or should already have a post-doctoral experience in the domain. He should also have interest in both data analysis and phenomenology. The position is available immediately for an appointment of one year (one year renewable).

SubaTech is located in Nantes, a city in the western part of France, 400 km west of Paris. The lab carries out research into experimental and theoretical particle and nuclear physics. The ALICE/EMCAL team of SubaTech is interested in photon and jet measurements and studies of the performance of the ALICE detector. In addition, it is involved in the building of the EMCAL, one of the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeters.

Applications, including a Curriculum-Vitae, university records, and two letters of recommendation willing to provide further information on the candidate should be sent preferably by e-mail to Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position has been filled.

-- KilianSchwarz - 22 Jan 2010
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-01-22, KilianSchwarz - This page was cached on 2025-02-12 - 18:52.

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