You are here: GSI Wiki>Grid Web>KhukTable (2021-03-10, Attach
-- KilianSchwarz - 2021-03-10

KHuK example table

Request_ID type dst (tag) period (runlist) system energy sample description requested requested by requested on priority status transfer via fraction size
215 sim AOD LHC17j7_ZDCfix Xe-Xe 5.44 TeV general purpose MC AODs 280234, 280235 Lukas Kreis 21.09.2020 normal done 16.11.2020 lxalitransfer6



215 sim AOD LHC10h Pb-Pb 2.76 TeV AOD162 all 137124 137125 137132 137133 137135 137136 137137 137161 137162 137163 137165 137230 137231 137232 137235 137236 137243 137365 137366 137370 137430 137431 137432 137434 137439 137440 137441 137443 137530 137531 137539 137541 137544 137546 137549 137595 137608 137609 137638 137639 137685 137686 137689 137691 137692 137693 137704 137718 137722 137724 137748 137751 137752 137843 137844 137847 137848 138125 138126 138150 138151 138153 138154 138190 138192 138197 138200 138201 138225 138275 138359 138364 138396 138438 138439 138442 138469 138533 138534 138578 138579 138582 138583 138620 138621 138624 138637 138638 138652 138653 138662 138666 138730 138731 138732 138736 138737 138740 138742 138795 138796 138826 138828 138830 138831 138836 138837 138870 138871 138872 139024 139025 139028 139029 139030 139031 139034 139036 139037 139038 139042 139104 139105 139107 139110 139172 139173 139308 139309 139310 139311 139314 139316 139328 139329 139360 139437 139438 139439 139440 139441 139465 139466 139467 139470 139471 139503 139504 139505 139507 139510 139511 139513 139514 139517 Lukas Kreis 15.07.2020 high

temporarily done (50%)


214 sim AOD LHC19g6c2 pp 13 TeV Pythia6 HF MC for XiC analysis in pp collisions at 13 TeV, 2016 data, ALIROOT-8281 264076, 263741, 256307, 255591, 254608, 254331, 252371 Jianhui Zhu 07.10.2019 high done 8.10.2019 lxalitransfer7    
Topic revision: r1 - 2021-03-10,
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