ALICE Data Transfer
according to the requests in the Transfer Request Wiki (
config files requesting data transfers should be placed in the
transferinput Directory (see below).
See example config files in the
transferprocessed Directory (see below)
A config file should have the following naming convention:
- config_<Name of Person writing the config>_<data set>_<Name of Person requesting the Transfer>_<sim/data>_<esd/aod>_<ev. reconstruction pass>_<collision particles>_<energy>
- e.g.: config_ks_LHC10e_sweber_data_esd_pass4_pp_7tev
A config file should have the following structure:
note: one configuration parameter per line, it needs to be 13 configuration lines in total before the run numbers start
- top level directory in AliEn <e.g. /alice/data/2010/LHC10e>
- name of text file which contains the list of files which could not be copied
- naming convention: should be the same name as the config file but starting with "errorfiles"
- e.g. errorfiles_ks_LHC10e_sweber_data_esd_pass4_pp_7tev
- number of parallel transfers <e.g. 10>
- top level target directory on Lustre <e.g. /lustre/nyx/alice/alien>
- string for AliEn find command <e.g. /pass4/*.*/>
- TTL of a copy process in seconds <e.g. 4000>
- list of black listed SEs (should be 4 entries in the config files)
- e.g.:
- ALICE::Hiroshima::SE
- copy mode (e.g. standard)
- alternative copy modes:
- listmode (copies from a list of files instead of creating ist own list via alien_find)
- in listmode the errorfile (position two of config file) takes the role of specifying the list of files to be copied
- in this mode obsolete Parameters are:
- top Level Directory in AliEn
- string for AliEn find command
- list of runs to be copied
- random (copies randomly a specified percentage of a run)
- Parameter "additional Parameter" (see below) Needs to contain the percentage in number (e.g. 50)
- additional parameters for copy mode
- e.g. (NA for Standard mode)
- check size of data set (enabled by a value of 1, since this is very time consuming a value of 0 should be the default)
- list of successfully copied files (file name to be given)
- collision system (pp, pPb, PbPb)
- collision energy (2.76TeV, 7TeV, 8TeV, 2.76ATeV, 5.023ATeV, ...)
- base dir for run lists for train Analysis
- /hera/alice/train/lists/transfer
- /lustre/nyx/alice/train/lists/transfer
- external script for creating train lists
- list of runs to be copied
- e.g.
- 000130850
- 000130848
- 000130847
Current Data Transfer Boxes:
- lxalitransfer5: Transfer to /hera/alice/alien
- lxalitransfer6: Transfer to /lustre/nyx/alice/alien
Access via ssh key.
Precondition: member in the alidata group
Directory Structure:
- /home/ali-data
- alien (link to AliEn Installation)
- bin (contains executables)
- scripts (contains setup script)
- Transfers
- tmp (contains list of transfers to be processed)
- transferinput (here the config files for data transfers should be placed)
- transferlogs (contains log files of data transfers)
- transferprocessed (contains processed data transfer config files and list of files which could not be copied)
- transferworkdir (workdir of the transfer script: contains temporary files)
- 2 cron jobs (crontab -l)
- proxy-renewal (renews Grid Proxy, runs once per day at 5:35 am)
- transfermaster (checks content of transferinput and starts transfers if config files are present, runs every 2 hours)
KilianSchwarz - 13 Nov 2015