Safety Regulations

FRS Home Page

Updated November 04, 2019.




Whatever you do or plan to do:

think about safety to prevent accidents or injuries
of yourself,
your colleagues,
or the environment and equipment!


Before starting to work in this environment, get safety instructions:
  • General safety at GSI ( online )
  • Radiation protection (when working in radiation controlled areas), ( online )
  • Laser safety (when working with stronger lasers), ( online )
  • AEB safety instructions (when working in areas with designated electrical hazards), ( online )
  • Local area safety (by authorized person, see also written information ),
    possible hazards and that you know the location of the nearest fire alarm box, fire extinguisher, general emergency stop button,
    emergency exit, cooling water switch-off, power-off (affects only the present room) and the nearest telephone.
  • External people please fill the contact form "F.14 – SAFETY AT GSI” ( English , German ),
    sign and send to the secretary of the safety & disposal department of GSI.
  • Sign that you have heard and understood the safety instructions in the FRS safety book (in FRS Messhütte).


Everybody working at GSI is responsible for compliance with the Safety Requirements of the GSI Safety and Radiation Protection Division.
In order to get further safety instructions for work at the FRS, please contact the FRS department leader Christoph Scheidenberger or Karl-Heinz Behr (deputy for safety issues).


Important telephone numbers (in case of accident or illness):

  • 112 - general emergency
  • 2210, 2205 - main gate
  • GSI telephone book and select link to "Important numbers" (e.g. emergency, police, fire, first aid helpers, ...)


File/Document Language Format Size
Safety Regulations at GSI+FRS_2016-05May-23 EN pdf.gif 104 kB
Safety Regulations at GSI+FRS_2016-05May-23 EN wordicon.gif 988 kB
I have read the safety instructions of May-23-2016 EN pdf.gif 18 kB
I have read the safety instructions of May-23-2016 EN wordicon.gif 83 kB
F-14-English___DOC-2009-Mar-215-1 EN pdf.gif 34 kB
F-14-German___DOC-2009-Mar-214-1 DE pdf.gif 36 kB


More safety related instruction and forms at GSI.


-- SagarRoy - 2021-06-30
Topic revision: r3 - 2021-07-18, SagarRoy
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