S1 — Detector Pocket (GTS3DD2)

FRS Home Page - Areas.gif S1 Pictures Drawings Cable Connections

Characteristics of the pocket:

Material Length*Height [mm] Thickness [µm] Remark
Iron (Fe) 100*100 50 Window
Iron (Fe) 100*100 50 Window
Effective thickness measured with beam (170Er 1080 MeV /u): 120 µm Fe.

Update Nov. 05 2024: Presently installed wedge in the pocket is a wedge labeled "TS3DD2 (2)"

Size dX x dY = 120 mm x 118 mm, material AlMg3, density = 2.67 g/cm3.
Thin side 6.550 mm, thick side = 23.449 mm, slope = 0.14083 .
Central thickness = 4005 mg/cm2.
Measured deviation from plane over full area: σz = 2.37 µm (0.633 mg/cm2).

This wedge was previously used for S475 experiment in 2020.


Other existing wedge, but presently not installed:
  • Double wedge:
Material Length*Height [mm] Thickness [mg/cm²] Remark Position
Aluminium (Al) 120*60 6500 Wedge 261.8 mrad +26mm
Aluminium (Al) 120*60 8500 Wedge 467.8 mrad -20mm
  • "TS3DD2 (1)":


-- EmmaHaettner - 2024-11-05
Topic revision: r4 - 2024-11-05, EmmaHaettner
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