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S3 — Cables

FRS Home Page - Areas.gif S3 Pictures Drawings Cable Connections

FMX Signal Cables (Updated September 2002)

Group Type Cable Remarks Socket on Detector

RG 58


S3 S 01 MW 31 A 1
S3 S 02 MW 31 XL 2
S3 S 03 MW 31 XR 3
S3 S 04 MW 31 YO 4
S3 S 05 MW 31 YU 5
S3 S 06 MW 31 P 6
S3 S 07
S3 S 08


RG 58


S3 S 09
S3 S 10
S3 S 11
S3 S 12
S3 S 13
S3 S 14
S3 S 15
S3 S 16

RG 58


S3 S 17
S3 S 18
S3 S 19
S3 S 20
S3 S 21
S3 S 22
S3 S 23
S3 S 24

RG 58


S3 S 25
S3 S 26
S3 S 27
S3 S 28
S3 S 29
S3 S 30
S3 S 31
S3 S 32


BNC Fast Signal Cables (Updated September 2002)

Group Type Cable Remarks

SO 7272

Front Racks

S3 F 01 SC 31 R
S3 F 02 SC 31 L
S3 F 03
S3 F 04


SHV HV Cables (Updated September 2002)

Type Cable Remarks

RG 58

Front Racks

S3 HV 01
S3 HV 02 MW 31 T
S3 HV 03 MW 31 A
S3 HV 04 SC 31 R
S3 HV 05 SC 31 L
S3 HV 06
S3 HV 07
S3 HV 08


RG 58

Front Racks

S3 HV 09
S3 HV 10
S3 HV 11
S3 HV 12
S3 HV 13
S3 HV 14
S3 HV 15
S3 HV 16


Lemo HV Cables (Updated September 2002)

Type Cable Remarks

HT 10

Rear Racks

S 31 MW 31 G


-- SagarRoy - 2021-06-30
Topic revision: r4 - 2021-07-09, SagarRoy - This page was cached on 2025-02-07 - 18:52.

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