has to be
sourced as is, i.e. called with a leading dot
. epics -h
gives all information on options:
epics [Options] [version]
sets environment variables for EPICS
* changes to corresponding EPICS HOME directory:
[<HOME>/<PREFIX><VERSION>, default: /u/epics/EPICS-3.14.9]
* and calls the (local) login script for this version
* relies on having a (local) login script ( default: ./ )
in the home directory of the corresponding EPICS installation
* optionally might execute (source) scripts before and after the call to the login script
* defaults:
* before script: [ not set ]
* after script: [ not set ]
version: EPICS version (default: "3.14.9")
-h : prints this Help
-l : list all available versions in home directory /u/epics
-s : stay at $EPICS_HOME directory
-q : quiet no output, but error messages
-v : verbose mode
-d : debug mode, just echo no action
-H argument : home directory of several EPICS versions
(default: "/u/epics")
-P argument : version prefix for PREFIXversion
(default: "EPICS-")
-L argument : login script looked for in $EPICS_HOME
(default: "./")
-B argument : script to be sourced before calling login script
(default: "[ not set ]")
-A argument : script to be sourced after calling login script
(default: "[ not set ]")
LOCAL environment variables:
the default home directory of the several EPICS versions can be modified
by setting the environment variable
EPICS_LOCAL_HOME [at the moment not set]
the default search prefix for directories in /u/epics can be modified
by setting the environment variable
EPICS_LOCAL_DIR_PREFIX [at the moment not set]
the default call to the (local) login script
in the epics installation directories can be modified
by setting the environment variable
EPICS_LOCAL_LOGIN_SCRIPT [at the moment not set]
the EPICS version can be modified
by setting the environment variable
EPICS_LOCAL_DEFAULT_VERSION [at the moment not set]
the local script default for a script sourced befored login can be modified
by setting the environment variable
EPICS_LOCAL_SCRIPT_BEFORE_LOGIN [at the moment not set]
the local script default for a script sourced after login can be modified
by setting the environment variable
EPICS_LOCAL_SCRIPT_AFTER_LOGIN [at the moment not set]
you have to call this script with a leading '. ', i.e. source it
--> i.e.: '. epics'
PeterZumbruch - 12 Mar 2013