In Order to start the EPICS development of the ml403 the SDK and the IDK needs to be installed.

First test on a SuSE stand alone installation. (Why: because of the lack of the cdrom in the Debian Sarge installation) Mount the cdrom however this is done on your system. Execute ./setup and pray. (Without RTFM... with RTFM page 26 ISE release notes and installation guide gives the same....)

marc@lxdv18:/media/dvd> ./setup
Wind/U X-toolkit Error: wuDisplay: Can't open display

************ setup done! ***************
well OK nothing was done...
As root now:
lxdv18:/media/dvd # ./setup
connect localhost port 6000: Connection refused
/media/dvd/platform/lin/setup: line 163: 30155 Killed                  $setuploc
/xilsetup $switch $batchfile

************ setup done! ***************

This just shows problems of the setup script.

Klicking on the konqueror just runs the stuff...???!!!

A short google search gave that the ibm guys do have the very same problem Xilinx ISE Setup on non-RedHat Linux by Gero Dittmann.

New start;-)

During the installation process the following stuff is saved in settings.(c)sh:
Install Location : /home/marc/Xilinx
Platform Cable USB Driver (Important OS Info Below)
Design Environment Tools

Funny enoug: even with my explicit "Do not install the Cable Drivers" the post installation process tried to do so. Here are the error messages. I'll see what this really means.
marc@lxdv18:/media/dvd> . ./setup 
dirname: invalid option -- b
Try `dirname --help' for more information.
Wind/U Error (294): Unable to install Wind/U ini file (/media/dvd//platform/lin/
See the Wind/U manual for more details on the ".WindU" file and the "WINDU"
environment variable.
mkdir: cannot create directory `/lib/modules/misc': Permission denied
/bin/cp: cannot stat `xpc4s3.o': No such file or directory
/bin/cp: cannot create regular file `/lib/modules/misc/windrvr6.o': No such file
 or directory
ln: creating symbolic link `/lib/modules/misc/install_windrvr6' to `/home/marc/X
ilinx/bin/lin/wdreg': No such file or directory
ln: creating symbolic link `/lib/modules/misc/install_xpc4drvr' to `/home/marc/X
ilinx/bin/lin/install_drv': No such file or directory
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/misc/windrvr6.o': No such file or directory
mkdir: cannot create directory `/lib/modules/misc': Permission denied
/bin/cp: cannot stat `xpc4s3.o': No such file or directory
/bin/cp: cannot create regular file `/lib/modules/misc/windrvr6.o': No such file
 or directory
ln: creating symbolic link `/lib/modules/misc/install_windrvr6' to `/home/marc/X
ilinx/bin/lin/wdreg': No such file or directory
ln: creating symbolic link `/lib/modules/misc/install_xpc4drvr' to `/home/marc/X
ilinx/bin/lin/install_drv': No such file or directory
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/misc/windrvr6.o': No such file or directory

************ setup done! ***************
(may be the installation really worked... But we will see;-))

Xilinx is very user friendly during the installation. Ones has to type three times the same stuff, namely the registration number. These are three installation CD which are needed for a full ISE installation.

Disk 2:
Install Location : /home/marc/Xilinx

Disk 3: Extremly funny:
marc@lxdv18:/media/dvd> . ./setup
dirname: invalid option -- b
Try `dirname --help' for more information.
Select the installation type: 
                1) 32-bit
                2) 64-bit
-bash: /media/dvd//platform/lin/setup: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
It seems that Xilinx is a company which lets the customer debug their software. Especially since the first two discs were working...

-- MarcRStockmeier - 30 Nov 2005
Topic revision: r4 - 2005-11-30, MarcRStockmeier - This page was cached on 2025-02-15 - 15:04.

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