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Seq Records Delay Timing And Processing


seq Records Delay Timing and Processing

seq Records Delay Timing and Processing


    • The calc record serves as a 10Hz Time reference.
    • The seq record:
      • is scanned every 10 s
      • each of the LNKx get its input value from the calc reference, delayed by DLYx
    • alert the seq record stays active until all LNKs have been processed.
    • alert the nested second, delayed, and "PPed" seq record "seq2" doesn't delay the execution of LNK4
    • alert LNK5 to a dummy record introduces an addditional delay, before "ai5" is "FLNKed" (Listing 1)
      otherwise (LNK5 undefined) "ai4" and "ai5" do get the (almost) same time (Listing 2)

    Listing 1
    > camonitor ai1 ai2 ai3 ai4 ai5 ai6
    ai1                            <undefined> 0 UDF INVALID
    ai2                            <undefined> 0 UDF INVALID
    ai3                            <undefined> 0 UDF INVALID
    ai4                            <undefined> 0 UDF INVALID
    ai5                            <undefined> 0 UDF INVALID
    ai6                            <undefined> 0 UDF INVALID
    ai1                            2015-06-12 11:20:43.537023 10.4  
    ai2                            2015-06-12 11:20:45.532220 12.4  
    ai3                            2015-06-12 11:20:45.927412 12.8  
    ai4                            2015-06-12 11:20:46.723239 13.6  
    ai5                            2015-06-12 11:20:50.718449 17.6  
    ai6                            2015-06-12 11:20:51.422657 18.3  
    ai1                            2015-06-12 11:20:53.548024 20.5  
    Listing 2
    > camonitor ai1 ai2 ai3 ai4 ai5 ai6
    ai1                            2015-06-12 11:34:01.036987 10.4  
    ai2                            2015-06-12 11:34:03.032172 12.4  
    ai3                            2015-06-12 11:34:03.427368 12.8  
    ai4                            2015-06-12 11:34:04.222552 13.6  
    ai5                            2015-06-12 11:34:04.222568 13.6  
    ai6                            2015-06-12 11:34:08.923422 18.3  
    ai1                            2015-06-12 11:34:11.037168 20.4  

-- PeterZumbruch - 12 Jun 2015
-- PeterZumbruch - 2017-03-31
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
epics-playground-seq-record-master.tar.gzgz epics-playground-seq-record-master.tar.gz manage 1 byte 2015-06-11 - 14:39 PeterZumbruch tarball of git repository at git://gitorious.gsi.de/epics-playground/seq-record.git
seq-record.pngpng seq-record.png manage 84 K 2015-06-11 - 17:13 PeterZumbruch seq-record.db
Topic revision: r2 - 2017-03-31, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-12-19 - 20:18.

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