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Install Distributed Information Mangement System DIM


DIM is a communication system for distributed/mixed environments, it provides a network transparent inter-process communication-layer. (from: DIM Manual)


  • Download the dim package from CERN: web page
  • For Linux users you can/have to download:
  • For Windows:
    (not yet available, TODO, if neccessary):
    • setup.bat
  • Dokumentation



  • Linux: unzip -a dim_vXXrX.zip
  • Windows: any compression tool

Setting Environment Variables

  • Linux:
    • BASH/ksh
      • source dimlogin.sh by typing . ./dimlogin.sh -d
        • type dimlogin.sh -h to get all available options
    • tcsh/csh
      • script not yet available or use existing .setup script
  • Windows
    • not yet available


  • Linux
    • gmake all OS=Linux
  • Windows
    • not necessary


  • possible conflicts for environment variable OS:
    • The setup scripts of the dim installation requires the environment variable OS set to "Linux" to execute correctly.
      But this value is already set for GSI purposes to a non matching value.
      • As a solution the script dimlogin.sh, described in the above mentioned Install DIM, sets this value temporarly to Linux before calling the DIM setup routing and resets it afterwards to the previous value.
    • It is not known whether OS is used by DIM for some internal purposes during runtime.
    • But it is known that this value is needed for the installation of DIM (see Install DIM, Section "Make" )
      • Therefore the make call has to be extended, i.e. ' gmake all OS=Linux ' instead of only ' gmake all '.
    • It is propably not recommended to leave OS set to "Linux" because it might be used somewhere else by other GSI parts.

-- PeterZumbruch - 01 Nov 2006


Follow the instruction in the manual and installation guides of DIM (Unix/Linux, Windows, DIM Manual)

-- PeterZumbruch - 24 Jan 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
dimlogin.shsh dimlogin.sh manage 5 K 2006-11-01 - 13:54 PeterZumbruch bash login script for setting environment variables for DIM
setup.shsh setup.sh manage 1 K 2006-11-01 - 09:51 PeterZumbruch corrected setup.sh file up to version of DIM v16r7
Topic revision: r8 - 2007-03-22, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-07-27 - 06:48.

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