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StartBackgroundEpicsIOC script: (re)start IOC at reboot - procServ caller


usage: startBackgroundEpicsIOC.sh [options]

starts EPICS IOC in background using procServ tool,
  which spawns and automatically respawns the ioc process
  and makes it available via local telnet:
   telnet localhost port
        where port is set to default `4813'
   -w workingDir   : EPICS IOC application dir / a.k.a. workingDir (absolute path)
   -i iocBootdir   : EPICS IOC iocboot dir
                      place where to change to and where log and pid files may be written (absolute path)
   -c command file : st.cmd file started relativ to `./'
                      if not absolute path, taken relatively to `EpicsIocBootDir'
   -a commandArgs  : [quoted list] of argument[s] for executable of ioc process,
   -P procServ exe : procServ executable
   -L procServ lib : procServ lib path needed to be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, multiple calls possible
   -p port         : telnet port [`4813'], see above
   -t logport      : set log readonly telnet port for active procServ access (NOTE: default log port will be port+1)
   -g              : activate file logging for procServ [OFF]
   -G loggingDir   : file logging directory,
                      if not absolute path, taken relatively to `workingDir' [`/home/hadaq/EPICS/epics_apps/HadControlTemperatureAndThreshold']
   -D              : debug mode of procServ [OFF]
   -I name         : name of (IOC) process
   -o "options"    : additional options for procServ
   -b baseHome     : home directory of hadaq
   -n              : no action, just echos command instead of executing the ioc process [OFF]
   -d              : debug mode of caller, sets set -xv [OFF]
   -v              : verbosity of caller, can be called repeatedly  [OFF]
   -e scriptname   : helper script internally used by `startBackgroundEpicsIOC.sh' for checks
                            defaults to be searched in the same directory as \'startBackgroundEpicsIOC.sh'
   -q              : sets verbosity of caller off [OFF]
   -h              : this help


%begin bash% #!/bin/sh # startBackgroundEpicsIOC.sh # # starts EPICS IOC in background using procServ tool # # created: 28-05-2009 # author: p.zumbruch, GSI # modified: 24-02-2010

#debug - uncomment to debug #set -xv

#specific predefines specificPredefines() { myBaseHome=/home/hadaq

myDefaultWorkingDir=${myBaseHome}/EPICS/epics_apps/HadControlTemperatureAndThreshold myWorkingDir=${userWorkingDir:-${myDefaultWorkingDir}}

EpicsDefaultIocBootDir=${myWorkingDir}/iocBoot/iocHadControlTemperatureAndThreshold_linux-cris_v10 EpicsIocBootDir=${userWorkingDir:-${EpicsDefaultIocBootDir}}

EpicsDefaultCommandName="st_linux-cris_v10.cmd" EpicsDefaultCommandArguments=""

EpicsCommandName=${userCommandExecutable:-${EpicsDefaultCommandName}} EpicsCommandArguments="${userCommandArgument:-${EpicsDefaultCommandArguments}}"

ProcServDefaultDir=${myBaseHome}/EPICS/startupProcedures/procServ ProcServDefaultLibDir=${ProcServDefaultDir}/lib ProcServDefaultExecutable=${ProcServDefaultDir}/procServ

ProcServDefaultTelnetPort=4813 ProcServTelnetPort=${userProcServTelnetPort:-${ProcServDefaultTelnetPort}} ProcServTelnetLogPort=${userProcServTelnetLogPort} ProcServProcName=${userIOC} ProcServLoggingDir=${userProcServLoggingDir} ProcServLibDir=${userLibraryPathAdd:-${ProcServDefaultLibDir}} ProcServExecutable=${userProcServExecutable:-${ProcServDefaultExecutable}} }

#predefines predefines() { scriptname=startBackgroundEpicsIOC.sh


myLevel=0 myExitIfHelperScriptName=exitIfHelpers.sh myExitIfHelperScript=$(which ${myExitIfHelperScriptName}) myExitIfHelperScript=${myExitIfHelperScript:-$(dirname $0)/${myExitIfHelperScriptName}} }

#unset function unsets() { unset myHostname mylist item unset myWorkingDir unset EpicsIocBootDir unset EpicsCommandName unset EpicsCommandArguments unset EpicsDefaultCommandName unset EpicsDefaultCommandArguments

unset myDefaultWorkingDir unset EpicsDefaultIocBootDir

unset ProcServDefaultDir unset ProcServDefaultLibDir unset ProcServDefaultExecutable unset ProcServLibDir unset ProcServExecutable unset ProcServDefaultTelnetPort unset ProcServTelnetPort unset ProcServTelnetLogPort unset ProcServProcName unset ProcServFileLogging unset ProcServLoggingDir

unset myDebug unset myHelp unset myLevel unset myExitIfHelperScript unset myExitIfHelperScriptName unset myEcho unset ProcServDebug unset ProcServOptions

unset myWorkingDirOpt; unset myWorkingDirOptArg unset EpicsIocBootDirOpt; unset EpicsIocBootDirOptArg unset EpicsCommandNameOpt; unset EpicsCommandNameOptArg unset EpicsCommandArgumentsOpt; unset EpicsCommandArgumentsOptArg unset ProcServFileLoggingOpt; unset ProcServFileLoggingOptArg unset ProcServLoggingDirOpt; unset ProcServLoggingDirOptArg unset ProcServTelnetPortOpt; unset ProcServTelnetPortOptArg unset ProcServTelnetLogPortOpt; unset ProcServTelnetLogPortOptArg unset ProcServExecutableOpt; unset ProcServExecutableOptArg unset ProcServLibDirOpt; unset ProcServLibDirOptArg unset ProcServProcNameOpt; unset ProcServProcNameOptArg unset myBaseHomeOpt; unset myBaseHomeOptArg unset myExitIfHelperScriptOpt; unset myExitIfHelperScriptOptArg unset myHelpOpt; unset myHelpOptArg unset myEchoOpt; unset myEchoOptArg unset myDebugOpt; unset myDebugOptArg unset ProcServDebugOpt; unset ProcServDebugOptArg unset myVerbosityOpt; unset myVerbosityOptArg unset myQuietOpt; unset myQuietOptArg unset ProcServOptionsOpt; unset ProcServOptionsOptArg

return 0; }

#usage function usage() { echo echo "$scriptname" echo "usage: $scriptname [options]" echo echo "starts EPICS IOC in background using procServ tool," echo " which spawns and automatically respawns the ioc process " echo " and makes it available via local telnet:" echo " telnet localhost port" echo " where port is set to default \`${ProcServTelnetPort}'" echo "options:" echo " -${myWorkingDirOpt}" "workingDir : EPICS IOC application dir / a.k.a. workingDir (absolute path)" echo " [\`${myWorkingDir}']" echo " -${EpicsIocBootDirOpt}" "iocBootdir : EPICS IOC iocboot dir " echo " place where to change to and where log and pid files may be written (absolute path)" echo " [\`${EpicsIocBootDir}']" echo " -${EpicsCommandNameOpt}" "command file : st.cmd file started relativ to \`./' " echo " if not absolute path, taken relatively to \`EpicsIocBootDir'" echo " [\`${EpicsCommandName}']" echo " -${EpicsCommandArgumentsOpt}" "commandArgs : [quoted list] of argument[s] for executable of ioc process," echo " [\`\"$EpicsCommandArguments\"']" echo " -${ProcServExecutableOpt}" "procServ exe : procServ executable" echo " [\`${ProcServExecutable}']" echo " -${ProcServLibDirOpt}" "procServ lib : procServ lib path needed to be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, multiple calls possible" echo " [\`${ProcServLibDir}']" echo " -${ProcServTelnetPortOpt}" "port : telnet port [\`${ProcServTelnetPort}'], see above" echo " -${ProcServTelnetLogPortOpt}" "logport : set log readonly telnet port for active procServ access (NOTE: default log port will be port+1)" echo " [\`$ProcServTelnetLogPort']" echo " -${ProcServFileLoggingOpt}" " : activate file logging for procServ [$([ -z "${myProcServFileLogging}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo " -${ProcServLoggingDirOpt}" "loggingDir : file logging directory," echo " if not absolute path, taken relatively to \`workingDir' [\`$myWorkingDir']" echo " [\`$ProcServLoggingDir']" echo -n " -${ProcServDebugOpt}" " : debug mode of procServ" echo " [$([ -z "${ProcServDebug}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo " -${ProcServProcNameOpt}" "name : name of (IOC) process" echo " [\`${ProcServProcName}']" echo " -${ProcServOptionsOpt}" "\"options\" : additional options for procServ" echo " [\`${ProcServOptions}']" echo " General: " echo " -${myBaseHomeOpt}" "baseHome : home directory of hadaq" echo " [\`$myBaseHome']" echo -n " -${myEchoOpt}" " : no action, just echos command instead of executing the ioc process" echo " [$([ -z "${myEcho}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo -n " -${myDebugOpt}" " : debug mode of caller, sets set -xv" echo " [$([ -z "${myDebug}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo -n " -${myVerbosityOpt}" " : verbosity of caller, can be called repeatedly " echo " [$([ 0 -eq ${myVerbosity} ] && echo OFF || echo ON)$([ 1 -lt ${myVerbosity} ] && echo \($myVerbosity\))]" echo " -"${myExitIfHelperScriptOpt} "scriptname : helper script internally used by \`$scriptname' for checks" echo " defaults to use primarily \`which' to find it and secondly to " echo " be searched in the same directory as \'$scriptname'" echo " [\`${myExitIfHelperScript}']" echo -n " -"${myQuietOpt} " : sets verbosity of caller off" echo " [$([ -z "${myQuiet}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo " -${myHelpOpt}" " : this help" echo

echo }

#eval options function evalOptions() { myWorkingDirOpt="w"; myWorkingDirOptArg=':' EpicsIocBootDirOpt="i"; EpicsIocBootDirOptArg=':' EpicsCommandNameOpt="c"; EpicsCommandNameOptArg=':' EpicsCommandArgumentsOpt="a"; EpicsCommandArgumentsOptArg=':' ProcServFileLoggingOpt="g"; ProcServLoggingDirOpt="G"; ProcServLoggingDirOptArg=':' ProcServTelnetPortOpt="p"; ProcServTelnetPortOptArg=':' ProcServTelnetLogPortOpt="t"; ProcServTelnetLogPortOptArg=':' ProcServExecutableOpt="P"; ProcServExecutableOptArg=':' ProcServLibDirOpt="L"; ProcServLibDirOptArg=':' ProcServProcNameOpt="I"; ProcServProcNameOptArg=':' ProcServOptionsOpt="o"; ProcServOptionsOptArg=':' myBaseHomeOpt="b"; myBaseHomeOptArg=':' myExitIfHelperScriptOpt="e"; myExitIfHelperScriptOptArg=':' myHelpOpt="h"; myEchoOpt="n"; myDebugOpt="d"; ProcServDebugOpt="D"; myVerbosityOpt="v"; myQuietOpt="q";

#evalOptions $@ #evaluates the options of the command line local opts="myWorkingDir EpicsIocBootDir EpicsCommandName EpicsCommandArguments ProcServFileLogging ProcServLoggingDir ProcServTelnetPort ProcServTelnetLogPort ProcServExecutable ProcServLibDir ProcServProcName myBaseHome myExitIfHelperScript myHelp myEcho myDebug myVerbosity myQuiet ProcServDebug ProcServOptions"

for item in $(echo $opts | sed -e "s/ /$IFS/g") do options="${options}\${${item}Opt}\${${item}OptArg}" done options=$(eval echo $options)

while getopts $options arg do case $arg in ${myWorkingDirOpt} ) myWorkingDir=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${EpicsIocBootDirOpt} ) EpicsIocBootDir=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${EpicsCommandNameOpt} ) EpicsCommandName=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${EpicsCommandArgumentsOpt} ) EpicsCommandArguments=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${ProcServFileLoggingOpt} ) ProcServFileLogging=yes shift;; ${ProcServLoggingDirOpt} ) ProcServLoggingDir=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') ProcServFileLogging=yes shift 2;; ${ProcServTelnetPortOpt} ) ProcServTelnetPort=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${ProcServTelnetLogPortOpt} ) ProcServTelnetLogPort=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${ProcServExecutableOpt} ) ProcServExecutable=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${ProcServLibDirOpt} ) [ -d $(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') ] && ProcServLibDir=${ProcServLibDir:+${ProcServLibDir}\:}$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${ProcServProcNameOpt} ) ProcServProcName=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${ProcServDebugOpt} ) ProcServDebug=yes shift;; ${ProcServOptionsOpt} ) ProcServOptions=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${myBaseHomeOpt}) myBaseHome=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') shift 2;; ${myExitIfHelperScriptOpt} ) myExitIfHelperScript=$(echo $OPTARG | sed -e 's/"//g') [ ! -z "${myExitIfHelperScript##/*}" ] && myExitIfHelperScript="$(cd $(dirname ${0}) 2>/dev/null && pwd)/${myExitIfHelperScript}" shift 2;; ${myHelpOpt} ) myHelp=yes shift;; ${myEchoOpt} ) myEcho="echo -e" shift;; ${myDebugOpt} ) myDebug=yes shift;; ${myVerbosityOpt} ) myVerbosity=$(($myVerbosity + 1)) shift;; ${myQuietOpt} ) myQuiet=yes myVerbosity=0 shift;; esac done }

#dump function dump() { [ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && myLevel=$(($myLevel+1)) && echo [${myLevel}] "entering function \"${FUNCNAME:-dump} $*\"" echo -e " settings are:\n" local mv=$myVerbosity; local mvc=$myVerbosityCallee; echo -e " \"scriptname \": \t" ${scriptname} echo -e " \"myExitIfHelperScript \": \t" ${myExitIfHelperScript} echo -e " \"myWorkingDir \": \t" ${myWorkingDir} echo -e " \"EpicsIocBootDir \": \t" ${EpicsIocBootDir} echo -e " \"EpicsCommandName \": \t" ${EpicsCommandName} echo -e " \"EpicsCommandArguments \": \t" ${EpicsCommandArguments} echo -e " \"ProcServFileLogging \": \t" ${ProcServFileLogging} echo -e " \"ProcServLoggingDir \": \t" ${ProcServLoggingDir} echo -e " \"ProcServTelnetPort \": \t" ${ProcServTelnetPort} echo -e " \"ProcServTelnetLogPort \": \t" ${ProcServTelnetLogPort} echo -e " \"ProcServExecutable \": \t" ${ProcServExecutable} echo -e " \"ProcServLibDir \": \t" ${ProcServLibDir} echo -e " \"ProcServOptions \": \t" ${ProcServOptions} echo -e " \"ProcServProcName \": \t" ${ProcServProcName} echo -e " \"ProcServDebug \": \t" "[$([ -z "${ProcServDebug}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo -e " \"myBaseHome \": \t" ${myBaseHome} echo -e " \"myExitIfHelperScript \": \t" ${myExitIfHelperScript} echo -e " \"myHelp \": \t" "[$([ -z "${myHelp}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo -e " \"myEcho \": \t" "[$([ -z "${myEcho}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo -e " \"myDebug \": \t" "[$([ -z "${myDebug}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo -e " \"myVerbosity \": \t" "[$([ 0 -eq ${mv} ] && echo OFF || echo ON)$([ 1 -lt ${mv} ] && echo \($mv\))]" echo -e " \"myQuiet \": \t" "[$([ -z "${myQuiet}" ] && echo OFF || echo ON)]" echo -e

[ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] " leaving function\"${FUNCNAME:-dump}\"" && myLevel=$(($myLevel-1)) }

#function help help() { usage ; unsets; exit 0; }

#checks function checks() { # checks and twiddling run # performs checks on all settings # and complete path and pathnames

[ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && myLevel=$(($myLevel+1)) && echo [${myLevel}] "entering function \"${FUNCNAME:-checks} $*\""

# Checks for mandatory absolute paths, if not exit [ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] "\"... checks for mandatory absolute paths: base home - $myBaseHome\"" if [ ! -z ${myBaseHome} ] then exitIfNotAbsolutePath ${myBaseHome} "base home" && exitIfNotADirectory ${myBaseHome} "base home" && myBaseHome="$(cd ${myBaseHome} 2>/dev/null && pwd)" fi

[ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] "\"... checks for mandatory absolute paths: workingDir - $myWorkingDir\"" if [ ! -z ${myWorkingDir} ] then exitIfNotAbsolutePath ${myWorkingDir} "working Directory" exitIfNotADirectory ${myWorkingDir} "working Directory" myWorkingDir="$(cd ${myWorkingDir} 2>/dev/null && pwd)" else myWorkingDir=$(pwd) fi

# Convert the rest to absolute paths [ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] "\"... convert the rest to absolute paths and check them:\""

# if not absolute path, taken relatively to `workingDir' # IOC Boot Dir if [ ! -z ${EpicsIocBootDir} ] then [ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] "\" ... iocBootDir:\"" isAbsolutePath ${EpicsIocBootDir} || EpicsIocBootDir=${myWorkingDir}/${EpicsIocBootDir} exitIfNotADirectory ${EpicsIocBootDir} "EPICS IOC Boot directory" EpicsIocBootDir="$(cd ${EpicsIocBootDir} 2>/dev/null && pwd)" fi

# if not absolute path, taken relatively to `workingDir' # ProcServ Logging Dir if [ ! -z ${ProcServLoggingDir} ] then [ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] "\" ... procServ Logging Dir:\"" isAbsolutePath ${ProcServLoggingDir} || ProcServLoggingDir=${myWorkingDir}/${ProcServLoggingDir} exitIfNotADirectory ${ProcServLoggingDir} "procServ Logging directory" ProcServLoggingDir="$(cd ${ProcServLoggingDir} 2>/dev/null && pwd)" fi

# if not absolute path, taken relatively to `EpicsIocBootDir' # command Executable

if [ ! -z ${EpicsCommandName} ] then [ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] "\" ... EpicsCommandName:\"" isAbsolutePath ${EpicsCommandName} || EpicsCommandName=${EpicsIocBootDir:+./}${EpicsCommandName} exitIfNotExecutable ${EpicsIocBootDir:+${EpicsIocBootDir}/}${EpicsCommandName} "command executable" fi

#procServ Library Paths # [ ! -z ${ProcServLibDir} ] && # for item in $(echo ${ProcServLibDir} | sed -e 's/:/ /g') # do # exitIfNotADirectory ${item} "procServ Lib dir \`${ProcServLibDir}' contains invalid directory" # done

#procServ executable: # if not absolute path, taken relatively to `baseHome'

if [ ! -z ${ProcServExecutable} ] then [ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] "\" ... ProcServExecutable:\"" isAbsolutePath ${ProcServExecutable} || ProcServExecutable=${myBaseHome}/${ProcServExecutable} exitIfNotExecutable "${ProcServExecutable}" "procServ executable" ProcServExecutable="$(cd $(dirname ${ProcServExecutable}) 2>/dev/null && pwd)/$(basename ${ProcServExecutable})" fi

[ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] " leaving function\"${FUNCNAME:-checks}\"" && myLevel=$(($myLevel-1)) }

#execute function execute() {

local function="${FUNCNAME:-execute}" [ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && myLevel=$(($myLevel+1)) && echo [${myLevel}] "entering function \"$function $*\""

local options; options=" --ignore ^D^C --coresize 0 " options=${options}${ProcServProcName:+ --name "${ProcServProcName}" } options=${options}${ProcServProcName:+ --pidfile ${myWorkingDir}/${ProcServProcName}.pid } options=${options}${EpicsIocBootDir:+ --chdir ${EpicsIocBootDir} } # [ ! -z "${ProcServFileLogging}" ] && options=${options}${ProcServLoggingDir:+ --logfile ${ProcServLoggingDir}/${ProcServProcName}.log } options=${options}${ProcServTelnetLogPort:+ --logport ${ProcServTelnetLogPort} } options=${options}${ProcServDebug:+ --debug } options=${options}${ProcServOptions:+ ${ProcServOptions} }

local arguments; arguments="${arguments}${ProcServTelnetPort} " arguments="${arguments}${EpicsCommandName}${EpicsCommandArguments:+ ${EpicsCommandArguments}}"

[ 1 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo -e " calling procServ [options] ${arguments}\n" [ 2 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo -e " options : \n$options \n" [ 2 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo -e " arguments: \n$arguments \n"

local ldLibPath=${ProcServLibDir:+LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ProcServLibDir}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}} local showAll="export ${ldLibPath} \&\& ${ProcServExecutable} $showOptions $showArguments"

[ 2 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo -e "complete command:\n ${myEcho} $all \n" # here the command execution takes place ${myEcho:+$myEcho -n } export ${ldLibPath} && ${myEcho:+$myEcho " "\&\&\\\n } ${ProcServExecutable} $options $arguments

[ 3 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo [${myLevel}] " leaving function\"$function\"" && myLevel=$(($myLevel-1)) }

########################################### ### main unsets ${useUserDefinedVariables:+userDefines} specificPredefines predefines #eval options oldIFS=$IFS #store old IFS IFS="|" #change IFS to handle quotes when passing args to functions evalOptions $(echo "$*""$IFS" | sed -e "s/\(-[a-zA-Z0-9]$IFS\)\([^-]*\)\($IFS\)/\1\"\2\"\3/g") IFS=$oldIFS #reset IFS

#if log port not set, then logport = port + 1 [ -z "$ProcServTelnetLogPort" ] && ProcServTelnetLogPort=$((${ProcServTelnetPort} + 1))

#if name hasn't been set, then set the default [ -z "$ProcServProcName" ] && ProcServProcName="$(hostname):${ProcServTelnetPort}_${EpicsCommandName}"

#call Help if help option is set [ ! -z "$myHelp" ] && help;

#load helper functions if [ -f "$myExitIfHelperScript" ] then . ${myExitIfHelperScript} else echo "$scriptname: helper script \`$myExitIfHelperScript' does not exists ... exiting" 1>&2 unsets exit 1; fi

[ 1 -le $myVerbosity ] && echo $scriptname ... [ 2 -le $myVerbosity ] && dump;

# debug settings [ ! -z "$myDebug" ] && set -x -v

#check directories and permissions checks #execute function execute #unsets unsets

exit 0 %end%


-- PeterZumbruch - 24 Feb 2010
Topic revision: r3 - 2010-02-24, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2025-01-31 - 08:44.

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