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Temperature measurement HADControl

1. Introduction

The HADControl general purpose board provides access to many external interfaces and devices.
The task is to replace the already running ansatz of the HADES MDC Gas Monitor temperature measurement by a pure EPICS based design.

1.1. Components

    1.1.1. HADControl (aka HADSHOPOMO)

    1.1.2. HADSHOPOMO for distributed temperature measurement

    1.1.3. EPICS for ETRAX

2. Components & Schematics

3. Interfaces ( API, etc ..)

4. Ansatz

5. IOC Code

6. Sources

6.1. CVS


7. Outlook

Since there is a general purpose HADCon(trol) API including 1-wire measurements being developed, ... see project page, the inner access routines to the HadCon have to be redefined and rewritten.

-- PeterZumbruch - 19 May 2010
Topic revision: r6 - 2013-03-21, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-12-19 - 19:40.

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