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HadCon Multipurpose Controls Protocol Cmnd DAC


Command description of the API command DAC for HadCon2.

With the help of the DAC command, we could access directly the DAC peripheral output.

DAC cmnd

    available since version: 4.6.3
    Channel numbers
    The Channel numbers 0..7 follow the signal naming (DACOUTx, q.v. HadCon2/DAC) and are therefore shifted by -1 compared to the connector pin numeration from pin 1 to pin 8. The remaining pin 9 and 10 are ground. (q.v. connector assignment)

    1. DAC : return all DACs value
    2. DAC <CHANNEL> : return current DAC value
      • <CHANNEL>: 0 - 7
    3. DAC: <CHANNEL> <VALUE_mV> : set current DAC output to (approx.) wanted voltage
      • <CHANNEL>: 0 - 7
      • <VALUE_mV> - 0 - 3300 mV
        • alert: The actual resulting value might differ, due to the 8bit conversion binning of 3300mV / 255 ≈ 12,94 mV

      The output is the same for all commands:
      RECV DAC <CHANNEL> <VALUE_mV> <VALUE_HEX> [undefined]
      • <CHANNEL> : 0 - 7
      • <VALUE_mV> : 0 - 3300 mV, undefined → -1
      • <VALUE_HEX> : 0x00 - 0xFF, undefined → 0x100
      • undefined: since there is no readback, values are undefined until a value is set,
        • exception: after a power up, channels are set to 0V.
      In case you are using the command DAC , you will get the above for each channel from 0 to 7 in a separate line.

-- PeterZumbruch - 2020-11-09

-- PeterZumbruch - 2020-11-09
Topic revision: r16 - 2020-11-09, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-10-06 - 15:10.

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