You are here: GSI Wiki>Epics Web>EpicsAbbreviations (2005-08-23, BurkhardKolb)Edit Attach
A new control system always introduces its own "language". A somehow sportive approach is the creation of an unlimited amount of abbreviations. In order to clarify this for EPICS here is a first start of a collection. Have fun to read it...

CA Channel Access
CAC Channel Access Client
CAS Channel Access Server
DCS Distributed Control System
DCS Detector Control System (see i.e. ALICE DCS)
EPICS Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System
IOC Input/Output Controller
OPI OPerator Interface
PV Process Variable

Some stand alone CA Clients and their short names (Copied from Getting Started with EPICS: Introductory Session I)
ADT Array Display Tool
ALH Alarm Handler
AR Data Archiver (the original, deprecated)
BURT Backup and Restore Tool
CAEX Channel Access Examples
CASR Host-based Save/Restore
CAU Channel Access Utility
DM2K Display Manager 2000 (BESSY)
EDD/DM Editor and Display Manager (LANL)
EDM Extensible Display Manager (ORNL)
HistTool Data Histogramming Tool
JoiMint Java Operator Interface and Management INtegration Toolkit (DESY)
Jprobe Java Version of Probe, a Channel Monitoring Program
Knobs Knob Manager and KnobConfig, an Interface to SunDials
MEDM Motif Editor and Display Manager
Probe Motif Channel Monitoring Program
StripTool Strip-chart Plotting Tool
Yviewer Data Visualization Tool

last change: -- BurkhardKolb - 23 Aug 2005

-- MarcRStockmeier - 05 Jul 2005
Topic revision: r6 - 2005-08-23, BurkhardKolb
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