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Connecting MonALISA and EPICS



MonALISA stands for Monitoring Agents using a Large Integrated Services Architecture, is based on Dynamic Distributed Service Architecture and is able to provide complete monitoring, control and global optimization services for complex systems.

The MonALISA system is designed as an ensemble of autonomous multi-threaded, self-describing agent-based subsystems which are registered as dynamic services, and are able to collaborate and cooperate in performing a wide range of information gathering and processing tasks. These agents can analyze and process the information, in a distributed way, to provide optimization decisions in large scale distributed applications. An agent-based architecture provides the ability to invest the system with increasing degrees of intelligence, to reduce complexity and make global systems manageable in real time. The scalability of the system derives from the use of multithreaded execution engine to host a variety of loosely coupled self-describing dynamic services or agents and the ability of each service to register itself and then to be discovered and used by any other services, or clients that require such information. The system is designed to easily integrate existing monitoring tools and procedures and to provide this information in a dynamic, customized, self describing way to any other services or clients.


1st PANDA DCS Roundtable

In January 2008, the 1st PANDA DCS Roundtable workshop took place in Glasgow.

Participants were
Dan Protopopescu University of Glasgow
Ken Livingston University of Glasgow
Costin Grigoras CERN MonALISA developer
Catalin Cirstoiu CERN MonALISA developer
Peter Zumbruch GSI Darmstadt

The question to be tagged was to establish a basic communication link from MonALISA to be able to read/write EPICS variables. Using the API of MonALISA and the pEZCA.pm Perl EPICS Interface we managed to perform this task.

The attached source comprises the whole directory tree built during establishing the communication IOC ⇔ MonALISA.
Source (due to limitations the file had to split via split into two parts, recombine using cat):

What is missing is the source of the web-based GUI part.



-- PeterZumbruch - 21 Feb 2008
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MonaLisa-EPICS-playground.tar.bz2.0000 MonaLisa-EPICS-playground.tar.bz2.00 manage 80 MB 2008-02-15 - 17:48 PeterZumbruch 1st part of built tree of MonaLisa-EPICS-playground.tar.bz2
MonaLisa-EPICS-playground.tar.bz2.0101 MonaLisa-EPICS-playground.tar.bz2.01 manage 72 MB 2008-02-15 - 17:49 PeterZumbruch 2nd part of built tree of MonaLisa-EPICS-playground.tar.bz2
Topic revision: r3 - 2011-07-06, PeterZumbruch
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