• Telegram
    • Online exchange of information, e.g. whether shifts are taking place, will be shared via a telegram group.
    • You need to install telegram on your preferred device, but your phone number will not be disclosed. Afterwards you can join via the link that has been communicated via email.

  • Logbook
    • elog: https://elog.gsi.de/esr/E127/
    • any kind of experiment related info shall be collected here (e.g. entries for each DAQ run/file, accelerator or detector incident, analysis results, etc.)
    • user for shifts: litv-exp (pw available at control PCs or on request via telegram etc.)
    • self-registering for personal accounts is also activated (click on <Login> in the top menu, then click on <register as a new user>)

  • Online monitoring NOW ONLINE!
    • live detector spectra will be made available on our online server
      • EDORAS link: http://sparc-daq-01.gsi.de/
      • click on <Default Go4 page>
      • u: observer
      • p: observer1
      • quick usage:
        • check the <monitoring> box at top left
        • open the folder <Histograms> to see all available histos and subfolders
        • doule-click on any histo to plot in default mode (not suited for all histos)
        • right click on histo, hover to <Draw> and select draw option
          • for rates <hist> is the best option (this omittes the misleading errorbars in the default mode)
          • for 2d histos you can use < col -> colz >
          • for the Si_maps also < lego -> lego2 > is okay
    • ESR monitoring will be possible via our permanent zoom session

  • Daily zoom meeting (15:30 CEST)

  • Files + documents:
    • nothing yet
-- Jan Glorius - 2021-05-11
Topic revision: r5 - 2021-05-20, JanGlorius - This page was cached on 2024-07-27 - 00:26.

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