SCU reset issue

The FG660_03x_FAIR_BUS_Backplane has two 16 position Hexadecimal Coded Rotary Switches (S1 and S2) used for the old interface card.
There must be no connection between the SCU connector/X1/pin C3 and GND.

Up to version FG660_034 applies:
In case in the ACU a SCU module is connected and not the old interface card, it is necessary to move S2 to the 0 position.

From version FG660_037 applies:
In case in the ACU a SCU module is connected and not the old interface card, it is necessary to move S2 from 0 to the 2 position.

In this way the ACO department can, via remote; restart the SCU FPGA without rebooting the Linux (it is not anymore necessary to turn the ACU off and on).
It has to be pointed out that this action has to be performed on each power converter where a SCU is connected to the ACU frame.
Please consider to include this change already in the ACU frame commissioning (Commissioning procedure will be updated soon).

-- DerekSchupp - 2022-06-22
Topic revision: r1 - 2022-06-22, DerekSchupp
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