AMC Testing and Commissioning Guide Required components for each uTCA device * SFP (green/purple) * LC cable and a white rabbit switch (Recommended: RUN...
Documentation Some documentation is given here. This is not structured but just a collection of various things. * Documents * HOW TOs * Releases * Cur...
Etherbone Introduction The idea behind the EtherBone (EB) protocol is to extend the reach of the embedded Wishbone (WB) V4 System on a chip (SoC) bus system to r...
Timing Receiver: Usage For using a Timing Receiver (TR) please follow the directions here. What is Needed * TR hardware, see here what is supported by the cur...
How To: Building and Deployment for Linux Boxes and SCU Most of the code has been developed in the context of the White Rabbit Project and is hosted by the Open H...
Data Master: How To Configure and Operate for Release R3 R9 ("Balloon") DEPRECATED Introduction This How To is intended for the members of the timing team. The d...
How To: Flash a Timing Receiver with a Gateware/Firmware Image TL;DR * disable all software on the host (FESA, saftd, ...) * SCU only: disable the watchdog...
How To: Installation of a Timing Receiver or SCU THIS HOWTO IS DEPRECATED This how to summarizes the steps required to install a timing receiver. Setup up a FE...
General Machine Timing System at GSI and FAIR The FAIR facility involves a long chain of accelerators which need to be tightly synchronized. This is achieved by t...