Trigger Decision Module

The Trigger Decision Modules (TDM) has the task of taking the trigger decision. It also takes care of all sort of delays, time-of-flight and so on, see here. The following table describes the parameters. The main stakeholder of the TDM is the Machine Protection System.

Note: With the new conecpt of 'Bunch 2 Bucket Light', the TDM may become obsolate (except SIS100 extraction).

whatSorted ascending description direction source comment
B2B inhibit inhibit for normal extraction in MPS  
#1 trigger bucket label signal in group DDS injection ring BNC male 50 Ohm, same signal for extraction and injection ring
beam abort trigger for emergency extraction in MPS  
bunch gap label same as #1 trigger ?? in group DDS injection ring BNC male 50 Ohm, same signal for extraction and injection ring
EKDC extraction kicker delay compensation in LSA required at extraction machine
IKDC injection kicker delay compensation in LSA required at injection machine
synch-win synchronization window in B2B required at injection machine
Table: TDM inputs and outputs.

-- DietrichBeck - 08 Jun 2020
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-06-08, dbeck
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