50 recent changes in Linux Web retrieved at 16:27 (Local)

Customizing the colors for ls The command line tool ls can be configured to use different colors for different file types, e.g. blue directories or red archive fi...
Multimedia playback Audio Video * MPEG * Apple Quicktime * Realvideo (*.ram, ...) kann mit dem RealPlayer (realplay) betrachtet werden. Main.Chr...
Access to German special characters on English keyboards If you are working with X and an English keyboard you don't need to copy and paste special characters lik...
Fair Share Fair share is the name of the LSF method to calculate user priorities. Scheduling of new jobs of any user is based on this priority. It is calculated ...
PHP mit PHP auf Oracle Datenbank zugreifen Der Zugriff auf die Oracle Datenbank erfolgt über die OCI8 Schnittstelle (Dokumentation). Vorrausgesetzt ist ein insta...
Ruby Eine eigene Implementierung der Ruby Methode Array.include? Hintergrund: Das Pattern Map Das Programmierpattern Map wendet eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion...
SubVersion web frontends 3 different SVN web frontends are currently evaluated: Tool Debian package Tested Version Implementation authz Support RSS fe...
r3 - 2007-09-06 - 18:14 by SimonLang
Eclipse IDE framework Eclipse is a Java based modular IDE Framework. At the moment Version 3.2.1 is installed at GSI. You can start Eclipse with /usr/local/bin/ec...
LSF Load Sharing Facility Load Sharing Facility (LSF) is a cluster monitoring and queuing system. Interactive as well as batch jobs are distributed throughout the...
Open Source * For a definition see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source_Definition * How Open Source works: http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedra...
Dual Core Opteron Systems * http://www.amd.com/us en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_8825,00.html * http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/58808 (in...
ROOT Debian package(s) The upstream ROOT sources already provide the possibility to create Debian packages in a rather unusual way: After unpacking the sources an...
DVD recording Todo: Write documentation on burning data DVDs and CD Rs ... * k3b * growisofs Main.ChristopherHuhn 15 Mar 2005
See http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/ Main.ChristopherHuhn 25 Jan 2005
MPICH Message Passing Interface library * Webpage: http://www unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/ * http://www linux.gsi.de/doc/Mpich/index.html Documentation ins...
Myrinet Used for the ParallelFarm. * http://www linux.gsi.de/doc/GM 1.6.3/index.html Myrinet Driver Documentation for GM 1.6.3 Main.ChristopherHuhn 12...
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