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HADES DAQ Event Building


HADES data acquisition's event builders have dedicated IOCs which:

  • - by methods of memory mapping -
    provides information about the status,
  • AND
    - by a master and slave mechanism -
    provides an efficient method to synchronize and load balance up to 16 event builder cores each of it having up to 25 input streams.

This EPICS based design has been originally develloped and maintained by Sergey Yurevich, HADES, GSI. Since he left GSI, the HADES collaboration, and science at all, I (PZ) have been asked to take over maintenance and further requests.

Event Builder IOC concept Event Builder Database design Event Builder Main GUI

The objective of this project is therefore to provide an additional documentation of the system and a collection of links to the existing documentation of the HADES collaboration's wiki.

A comprehensive introduction and description by Sergey
Run Control of Multiple Event Builders
A more general view on the event builder components
Event Builder

-- PeterZumbruch - 06 Jul 2011
Topic revision: r1 - 2011-07-06, PeterZumbruch
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