Epics@GSI Webhome

1st EPICS class & workshop - November 11-12, 2008

Date and Location

  • Location:
    • Schulungsraum DVEE, SB3 1.239a, GSI
  • Time and Date:
    • November 11-12, 9:00 - 17:00


  • Peter Zumbruch, EE/KS, GSI
  • Burkhard Kolb, HADES, GSI


EPICS Hands-On Course
2-Day class introduction to EPICS - Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System


  • Adamczewski, Jörn, ITEE
  • Beck, Dietrich, ITEE
  • Brand, Holger, ITEE
  • Essel, Hans, ITEE
  • Fouedjiou, Linda, ITEE
  • Kolb, Burkhard, HADES
  • Langer, Christoph, Nuclear reactions
  • Nociforo, Chiara, Nuclear structure
  • Zumbruch, Peter, ITEE


  • Take this as a wish list and feel free to modify or write me an E-Mail
    • YES, I know it is too long!
    Introductory talks

    Tools Overview

    • LabView (HB) - Presentation
    • DIM (deferred)

    • Preparation (PZ) *
      $> . epics
    • Database Exercise
    • MakeBaseApp.pl (PZ)
    • CSS (PZ) - (deferred)
    • Agilent Power supply (BK)
      • http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-1330EN.pdf
      • asynDriver
        • st.cmd
          drvAsynIPPortConfigure ("ps002" ,"hadpszzz.gsi.de:xxyy") ; where xxy is the port number

      • streamDevice
        • .db files
          field (OUT, "@Agilent.proto debug ps002 ")
          field (DTYP, "stream")
        • protocol - file Agilent.proto:
          # Agilent.proto (stream device protocol file)
          # Genesys/Agilent/Lambda DC Power Supply
          # Connect a stringout record to this to get
          # a generic command interface.
          # After processing finishes, the record contains the reply.
          debug {
          ExtraInput = Ignore;
          out "%s"; in "%39c"}
        • st.cmd
          epicsEnvSet ("STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH","...some path...")

-- PeterZumbruch - 30 Nov 2011
Topic revision: r3 - 2018-01-08, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-10-06 - 16:44.

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