Backlinks to ArnoldHV in CRY_EXP Web (Search all webs)

Results from CRY_EXP web retrieved at 12:51 (Local)

Electron Cooler This article is still a stub. Please expand is as appropriate. Measurements * Electron current: * EcoolCurrentMeasurement * Electron ...
FC20 Voltage Divider The FC20 is a fast, frequency compensated high voltage divider and was developed at the University of Münster as experimental infrastructure ...
G35 Voltage Divider The G35 precision voltage divider is a contributed device from Münster University. It can be connected to the HV platform of the ElectronCoole...
Machine Signals The following shall give an overview of the electronic interfaces at the machine to specific signals, e.g. for data acquisition. Timing system s...
Patch Panel Black This patch panel connects the experiment electronics room (TH2.033) with CRYRING YR04MH. Channel assignment is semi flexible, but some are commo...
Number of topics: 5
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