Timing Messages: How-To Snoop the Timing System


FEC for FESA class is now scuxl0143.


This is a first simple solution to view what is going on at the timing system. It uses a FESA class on a SCU which subscribes to all messages broadcasted via the timing network. The message data is written to a FESA property and can be retrieved via the Controls MiddleWare (CMW). Please use this tool for viewing what is going on in the timing system.

Remark: Front-Ends provide a set of command line tools. saft-ctl can also be used locally on a specific front-end (SCU).


Our colleagues from the Beam Instrumentation group have developed a small Java GUI

On one of the asl nodes, simply start the "Java Snoop GUI" and have fun.
[user@asl123 ~]$ /common/usr/lobi/bin/wrsnoop

Example snoopJava.jpg

FESA Class

The FESA class must run on the SCU. If not, the FESA class must be instantiated. Example (November 2014):
[user@scuxl0019 /]# cd /opt/fesa/local/scripts
[user@scuxl0019 scripts]# ./start_WREventListDU_M.sh &

Source Code

FESA Class and Deploy Unit https://www-acc.gsi.de/svn/fesa/device/ => WREventList & WREventListDU (Branch event_snoop_tool_test)

-- DietrichBeck - 13 Oct 2017

This topic: TOS/Timing > WebHome > TimingSystemDocumentation > TimingSystemHowTo > TimingSystemHowEventSnoopTool
Topic revision: 2021-01-22, schwinn
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