Children of HadCon2FpgaProjects in Epics Web

Results from Epics web retrieved at 22:48 (Local)

__ Introduction * One Wire ADC is an application implemented inside the FPGA of the HadCon2 board. It can provide 6 ADC channels of 10bit resolution at 9,6kSp...
__ Introduction * One Wire ADC is an application implemented inside the FPGA of the HadCon2 board. It can provide 6 channel, max. 12bit ADC to be accessed by ...
__ Introduction HadCon2's FPGA based Waveform Generator which can be accessed via the HadCon2's Controls Api's Commands Documents Presentations * Waveform ...
r2 - 2014-02-27 - 00:51 by MichailPligouroudis
Number of topics: 3
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